The British Prime Minister have tried to make it all right. In the end neither side was satisfied, the country near to split, and the Chaos, commenting on the press may’s defeat in the house of Commons.

the Telegraph” (UK): “What is not understood Mrs May, in principle, is that you have to break to the implementation of the referendum clearly with Europe. This requires to choose a side and for you to use. Your attempt to all – including Brussels – to satisfy, has satisfied, at the end of anyone. The extent of their defeat is proof of that.”

“the Times” (UK): “The country is faced with a crisis, and it is not clear whether Theresa May is part of the problem or part of the solution. You had bad cards, but she’s also played extremely poorly. (…) If May is unwilling to do what is Necessary in order to avoid a mess, you will need to find the Parliament a leader who is willing to do so.”

Guardian (UK): “ A lack of leadership creates lead to a feeling of panic, reinforced by a government, the food and drug stocks, as they prepare for war. We need to put the Chaos and division which have so much contributed to disfigure our country.”

“Independent” (UK): “Soon, the sovereign decision on the Brexit will find, therefore, in one way or another make their way back to the electorate. Thus, the Brexit is not ‘stolen’. All who voted for 2016, can vote again. You can again vote for the Brexit, if you want to. But you can also come to the conclusion that the Brexit has proved, for whatever reason, as the easy-to-Paradise of the opportunities that was presented to them once. Now that you know the risks and benefits of all options, you should get the opportunity to make your judgement. Anything else would deprive you of your democratic right.”

May courageously or recklessly?

“Les Dernières Nouvelles d’alsace” (France): “A curse-Laden heroine, which remains against all odds, at the helm of a drift of the ship. […] There is probably in the Western world, no head of government, the humiliated, and betrayed was condemned, like the British Prime Minister. And yet she’s not giving up. A hundred Times we saw you on the ground. A hundred Times you got up again – and nobody knows whether it is courage or recklessness.”

“Neue Zürcher Zeitung” (Switzerland): “in the past, government stepped back heads, if they had lost an important vote, also in the case of minor defeats. May, but will not go voluntarily, for two reasons. First, the crisis would be alleviated if, in the next few weeks, new elections will have to take place. Secondly, the Parliament in 2011, introduced a change in the law, the fixed term provides for periods of five years. The democratic Tradition is opposed to the letter of the law. This could lead to a constitutional crisis.”

“De Tijd” (Belgium): “The British policy in the question of how one should with the Brexit deal is hopelessly broken. Clear is not only what the British want: the current Deal. As it is now to go further, is open. […] Of course the British government can apply for a deferral and try the fatal date 29. To move in March. Then all of the European member States would have to agree. The only question is, why you should do this. If the United Kingdom has no idea where it actually wants, what Europe can do, then?”

New Referendum is inevitable

“De Telegraaf” (Netherlands): “prevent Now the UK and the EU there is less and less time, an economic disaster. This defeat can only lead to move the exit of the British from the EU. Unless, Brussels remains hard. Then it would be on the balance sheet date 29. March, a hard-core Brexit, with all the corresponding consequences. […] The Brexit Deal is anyway, as it was called in the house of Commons, dead as a Dodo. Nobody believes that the British have a ‘Plan B’.”

“La Repubblica” (Italy): “The agreement two and a half years with the European Union was negotiated, was rejected. And the UK is similar to a drift of the island. The Brexit seems to be back to his starting point. There is a lot of speculation, but no certainty at all. Everything seems to be possible.”

“Tages-Anzeiger” (Switzerland) : “In the heat of battle since 2016 dangerous fronts have formed, in Westminster, as in the whole country. Most urgent is that the Parliament now has a clear majority is formed, which prevents a ‘No Deal’-disaster, the ‘jump over the cliff’,. That would be the first step. Instead, it is, however, expected that with further severe turbulence.”

“Izvestia” (Russia): “the Failure of The Brexit Deals all have supporters said, from the opposition Labour party up to Mays. British and international media wrote that the maximum the task of the Prime Minister was to avoid a devastating defeat and to show that your exit contract would have been in comparison to the other scenarios, ’the lesser Evil’. Now, the government should develop in the next few days, an alternative Brexit scenario that will be adopted by Brussels and London. In view of the fact that the negotiations with the EU, refuses to in almost two years last, and Brussels Changes, seems to be the creation of an acceptable Alternative in such a short time is a little unrealistic.”