A civic Committee has taken the Referendum against the two-week paternity leave. The responsibility must lie with the families and should not be on company deported. The Committee is concerned in addition to the Swiss competitiveness.

The Committee of parliamentarians, entrepreneurs and commercial representatives to attack the two weeks paternity leave, which had been decided by the Parliament in September. “We are against a free holiday for a few, what deductions are to be financed by wage for all,” said national councillor Diana Gutjahr (SVP/TG), Co-President of the “non-partisan Committee against more and more state taxes” on the Friday before the media in Bern.

The paternity leave should continue to be voluntary, it should not come to an engagement in the liberal labour market, she said. The organization of the family is the task of the parents in the life of the CVP national Council, Arthur Loepfe also said alt. There is today plenty of opportunities for a flexible design of the holiday. He therefore reject a “state regulation of holidays”.

Trend to the “always more” receivables

In the visor of the Committee members, in particular, the Trend to “more and more” demands on the state, as it is called Loepfe is. To serve a growing “from the pot”, the payroll deductions would constantly grow. “It is not about individual benefit, but to the sum of and the development”, he summarised.

Patrick Eugster, Vice-President of the Young liberals of Zurich, spoke of a “worrying Trend”. Due to this “entitlement mentality towards the state” to give Switzerland the advantages of the location. Switzerland would then be approximately at the fiscal rate or in the wages of Central mass. He does not want to, that’s why he support the Referendum.

concern for competitiveness

concern for the competitiveness of Switzerland as a result of said Susanne Brunner, the Zurich SVP local councillor and President of a regional trade Association. A “state of paternity leave” leads to less pay for workers and more expenditure for the state. In the worst case, this could endanger even jobs, namely, when due to the indirect costs (organizational costs, search of substitutes, opportunity costs due to absences), the manufacturing and production costs would rise.

in Addition, it made no sense to establish a new social insurance, “where, however, existing debt”. She spoke about the health costs of the second pillar, or the funding of Care.

Two weeks in the first six weeks

The Parliament decided in the autumn session, a paid paternity leave of two weeks to implement. According to the Parliament decision, fathers could take in the first six months after the birth of a child to two weeks of paid vacation. This would be financed, such as the maternity leave, the income replacement scheme (EO).

The estimated cost for a two-week paternity leave is estimated to be the Federal government to about 229 million Swiss francs per year. For 0,06 additional percentage of salary would be paid in equal parts by employers and employees.

Six weeks of vacation are from the table

For this decision, the people’s initiative, for four weeks ‘ paternity leave has been withdrawn. This was submitted by four associations and more than 160 organisations. You want to enforce a longer Parental leave.

The initiative’s backers had withdrawn from the Initiative, under the condition that the law comes into force the basis for a two-week paternity leave in force. The Federal Council had rejected both the popular initiative and the indirect counter-proposal.

Collects the Committee is now up on the 23. January 2020 the necessary valid 50’000 signatures, will decide the people about whether or not and how many weeks of paternity leave it will.

In the Committee of former and current SVP and FDP are sitting in front of all parliamentarians, mostly men. The SVP in Switzerland and the trade Association have already announced that they will support a Referendum. (bl/anf)

Created: 08.11.2019, 13:26 PM