India’s fastest train that can run 180 kilometers per hour, was Saturday a bad start to his new life on the rails.
During his very first journey hit it so a cow and broke down subsequent together.
The new train, called the Waters of Bharat Express, was inaugurated by the indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, on Friday.
Here it ran from the capital city of New Delhi to the sacred hindu city of Varanasi.
On the way back to New Delhi Saturday, struck a cow, which damaged the train’s power and braking system.
It enlightens the indian railway company.
the Train was stranded for more than an hour, before it could continue on to New Delhi, writes the indian media, India Today.
It is not quite unusual, that the unrestrained cows creates problems for indian trains. Especially in Uttar Pradesh-the state where Saturday’s accident happened.
Prime minister Modi has cracked down on the slaughter of cows, which hindus considered sacred. It has led to many of the loose and unwanted cows in the indian state.
The new Waters Bharat Express is a part of the Modi government’s large-scale ‘Make in India’project.
the Government also plans to introduce the first indian high-speed rail system in 2022.
Saturday’s collapse, this is however not the first problem, which the government is run in connection with the togsatsningen.
In the last week put India’s jernbaneminister, Piyush Goyal, a video on Twitter of the new Waters Bharat Express.
the Video was quickly accused by other Twitter users to be edited.
the Minister should have turned up for the move on the video, so the train seems to be running faster than it actually does.