Erpe-Mere Café Komdalier to the station Burst is Saturday for the second year in a row, the setting for one of the top sporting challenge in favour of Kom op tegen Kanker. Tom Burms from Sint-Lievens-Esse wants to 10x (!) with the wielrensysteem Zwift on reels Alpe d’huez virtual climb while he really opt out. With these efforts he wants to raise money for KOTK and the family of the 1-year and nine-month-old Finn support. At that knaapje from Mere last year was a particularly aggressive brain tumor found and removed.
“We have long doubted whether we support and attention, however, wanted to”, tell parents Niels De Gendt and Sari Asscherickx (both 28). Eventually, the two still tacking. “Because it’s so incredibly beautiful is what Tom and co-organizer Nico do all of that and want to do.” In addition, they can aid to use.