“Tony Irving: ”There will be only girls in the finals””

“”wiping the floor with the guys ‘”

“Tony Irving think of the female finalists in this year’s ”Let’s dance”. “

“According to him, has not the male participants have a chance.”

“– the Girls wiping the floor with the guys, ” he says. “

“Tony Irving, 52, pays tribute to the female participants in this year’s ”Let’s dance” and at the same time gives a swipe against men. “

“– the Girls have everything, the personality, the charisma and the body. These guys are wimps compared with them, ” he says. “

“Sure a female winner”

“Tony Irving says that there will only be female participants left at the end of the contest. “

“– This is really the girls ‘ year. It will only be girls in the final. They are wiping the floor with the guys, ” he says.”

“He guesses that it will be a male participant is allowed to leave during Friday’s ”Let’s dance”. “

” I think that Lance or Robin go out. We have noticed that there are those that are located in the middle, which makes it, not the one who gets the lowest score. “

“But who among the male participants, which may leave he doesn’t bother. “

” I don’t care who goes out. As long as it is the one who dances the worst that makes it so I’m happy, ” he says. “