although It is still not to the extent that, but for the worst case scenario is: For the post-Brexit the UK and Switzerland have signed a trade agreement.

Switzerland has negotiated with the UK as one of the first countries to have a trade Treaty for the period after the Brexit. In Bern of the Swiss economy, signed Minister, Guy Parmelin, and the UK’s Minister for international trade, Liam Fox, the agreement.

continuation of the trade relations

the contract to ensure both sides have a smooth continuation of their relations after Britain joined the EU. Switzerland is not a EU member, but is tied on the agreement closely to the European Union and participates in the EU internal market.

The Swiss economy Minister, Guy Parmelin, and the UK’s Minister for international trade, Liam Fox, signed the agreement.

There are complications in the area of agriculture, warned Parmelin. If the British Parliament on the 29. March without agreement on the Brussels-negotiated contract Exit from the EU is eliminated, the threat to the import of animals and animal products from the UK be interrupted.

Hard Brexit: the contract is valid from 30. March

If there is no Deal between the UK and EU – so it comes to a hard Brexit – the bilateral agreements on 30. March in force. It should come to an orderly Brexit, the contract after the end of the planned two-year transition period, in which the EU rules apply.

Both countries had regulated, among other things, the air traffic and concerns of the insurance bilaterally, as well as the right of residence in the other country for its citizens.

Switzerland exported in the year Goods to the value of 11.4 billion Swiss francs (about ten billion Euro) to the UK, said Parmelin. The UK is the sixth most important sales market. Switzerland is the UK’s fifth most important export partner outside the EU.