Next month will open Petter Stordalen a “brand new hotel” in the middle of Oslo city centre. The hotel chain Clarion describes the new hotel, The Hub, a meeting point for “educational moments and delightful experiences”.

– the Goal of Nordic Choice Hotels is Scandinavia’s best and most inclusive environment, ” said Stordalen to Hotellmagasinet in september of last year.

GET the CRITICISM: About three weeks opens Petter Stordalens giganthotell The Hub in the centre of Oslo. A report prepared by the Rørleggernes union, found 185 offences at the construction site in the course of a week in February. Photo: Bjørn Langsem Show more

It is not necessarily the descriptions all the workers that are working to build The Hub goes on.

185 offences

Thursday arranged several trade unions an action outside the hotel, to demonstrate against what they believe is a breach of the working environment act.

– We have surveyed the working conditions and staffing levels in the space, and believes to have found 185 offences, ” says Joachim Espe, the leader in Rørleggernes union, to Dagbladet.

In essence it is a question of enterprises that hire labour without that there is no collective agreement, or has not negotiated with the union representatives in the trade unions before employment, claims Espe.

Of the 500 who work in the space, so is just short of 200 people hired from different bemanningsbyråer. Several of them who rent the owner is also a staffing agency they hire from, he argues further.

DEMONSTRATED: Petter Vellesen in Oslo Bygningsarbeiderforening was among the speakers during Thursday’s demonstration. Photo: Nina Hansen Show more of the New law,

Rørleggernes union refers to changes in the working environment act, which came into effect on 1. January of this year.

the working environment act §14.12.2 requires in the new law the collective agreement with innstillingsrett. In addition there should be agreement with the trade union representatives with the protocol with limited hiring, type of trade unions in a report from the byggeplassbesøk by The Hub.

STORBYGG: Several unions react strongly on several aspects of the construction of Clarion Hotel The Hub in the centre of Oslo. Photo: Espen Bratlie / Samfoto / NTB Scanpix Show more

In the report, which is prepared Rørleggernes trade union, they may write that the total is about 185 offences in week six in years:

The benefits on what they believe is 65 offences by companies that operate without some form of collective agreements, and 120 offences that discusses the lack of agreement and protocols from tariffbedrifter.

at the same time as the union presented its report, the Clarion-owner Stordalen Thursday out with the new promotion of the giganthotellet in the middle of Oslo city centre on social media.

On Instagram promoting he for the opening of ” Norway’s best hotel (sic!)” with a nabolagskonsert with the “great artists” and nettkjendis Vegard Harm 7. march of this year. The same day the Stordalen even keep the breakfast and lunch lecture at the hotel.

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