The Bundestag is currently consulting on a new transplant law, which will lead to more organ donations. Above all, it will come to the transplant instruct.

In the rooms along the pale corridors of the medical station 2b of intense life and death are close together. Evenly ventilation pumps equipment, a electronic Signal to make any electronical noises. Daniel Grimm with a colleague in the station office. On a screen you patterns of tomography, the images of the computer.

“there Was a stroke history? The patient presented with a spontaneous breathing? What is the brain stem reflexes?”, Grimm asks the attending member who has notified him of a potential organ donor. He goes through a check list in your head, in the mind behind each question, a checkmark. He can put all the check marks, get seriously ill people the Chance of a new life.

top doctor Grimm and his colleague examine the CT images of a possible donor.

a Lot of responsibility for a human

Grimm transplant officer at the Mainz University medical center. He needs to support colleagues in the recognition of a potential organ donor and its Suitability to examine the medical and legal requirements? Excludes cancer of the potential organ donor might be? Or, he has spoken life to the relatives for or against organ donation, his will even on an organ donor card documented?

Is the latter point is unclear, discussions with members of even more importance. The lead to the attending nurses and Doctors. Grimm will accompany and help you, designed and organized training sessions for interviewing. Finally, these Meetings are held in the members unusual, oppressive Moment.

people who have just lost a family member, you must conjecture of his will, against the Background of death and mourning – where the seems to become easier, says Grimm: “Our experience is that the relatives have dealt much more often than in the past with the topic of organ donation and, therefore, better to our questions after organ donation willingness are prepared. This will help us.”

Meticulously capture the six ICUs of the hospital of possible donors and their criteria for exclusion

debate about organ donation is necessary

A reason for this is that organ donation was in the past few years, in conversation, be it in good or bad sense. The topic must be firmly anchored in society, in order to achieve higher donation numbers,” says Grimm. The political debate could lead. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn sparked last September. The citizens should have to object to the donation of their organs, not, as previously, their willingness to be documented.

While this contradiction solution for critics it represents a state intervention in the freedom of the Individual, there is a second proposal Spahns, in principle, are in Agreement for policy: The transplant like Grimm more working hours, the clinics are intended to get officers more money.

too Much for a part-time job

Because if Grimm advises, colleagues, relatives, conversations, accompanied, and, finally, the operating room makes it clear, then he’s doing so far, in addition to his actual job as a senior physician in the intensive care unit. More legislation is not provided for at the Federal level. Spahns draft of the “act for better collaboration and better structures in organ donation” calls for an exemption tied to the number of intensive care treatment and mechanical ventilation beds in the so-called Withdrawal hospitals.

That would bring all States to a common basic level. Bavaria, for example, was already two years ago, the transplant representative for the fulfilment of the tasks complete. Hardly introduced by the organ donation numbers contrary to the national trend.