Donald Trump attacked on Thursday in an Interview with the chief of the anti-EU Brexit-party, Nigel Farage, on the radio station LBC, the British leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn sharp. “This Deal… you can’t make it, you can not trade,” said Trump in a telephone interview with the right-wing populists and Brexit-hardline Farage on LBC own show. The United States could conclude under these circumstances, “no trade agreement with the United Kingdom”.

Trump called on Johnson and his “friend” Farage in addition to a cooperation in the early parliamentary elections in December. The two should “get together”, because you could achieve a good result, said the US President. Farage’s Brexit-party had been cut off in the last election, “fantastic,” and Johnson have great respect for him. Farage replied that he could support Johnson and only if the Prime Minister give up his “terrible” Brexit agreement.

Corbyn throws Trump interference

In the Interview, Trump attacked the head of the opposition Labour party, Corbyn. As a possible Prime Minister after the elections of 12. December Corbyn would be “so bad” for the UK, said the US President. “He would lead you to bad places.”

Corbyn accused Trump then in the short message service Twitter is an interference in the British election campaign. “Trump tries to the options in the UK, to interfere, so his friend Boris Johnson will be elected.”

Trump has already mixed several times in the Brexit-armed in the UK, and usually after Johnson made. In September, Trump said the United States and the United Kingdom were working on a “great trade” agreements for the time after the Brexit. In August, he praised Johnson as a “great” and described him as a “real man” on the implementation of the Brexit.

Britain hopes that a free trade agreement with the US exchange were to increase the TRANS-Atlantic. This is to compensate for the outlet part to the elimination of European markets by the EU. (scl/sda)

Created: 01.11.2019, 05:15 PM