came To his memorial service 500 people, tout New York, mayor, judges, business people, journalists, publishers, politicians of the two major parties, Democrats as well as Republicans. The speakers praised the unconditional loyalty of the deceased, praising his sense of Humor and remembered smiling at his delight in the gossip. And that he was a victim: “Vengeful and full of hate” have followed it to the “left Establishment”. The already terminally Ill was the last to have been withdrawn by the bar Association approval. “One of their most brilliant members, they demanded their pound of flesh,” said one of the speakers, with a bold allusion to Shakespeare’s “merchant of Venice”. The Celebration ended with the joint singing of Roy Cohn’s favorite song: “God Bless America”.

The Celebrated was one of the greatest villains in the history of the United States, a political Gangster, as he is otherwise found only in bad movies and even worse novels. However, Roy Cohn has really lived until he has passed in the year 1986, out of this world. Who, or what, but he is still terrifying at the moment. “Roy Cohn, managed to do the impossible,” says Matt importance. “He has created from the grave of a President.”

That Donald Trump is, in many respects, a creature this big crook, the shows importance in his current Film, “Where’s My Roy Cohn?”. The title refers to the half-desperate exclamation of the President, would have liked a more assertive legal counsel. Jeff Sessions wasn’t it, Rudy Giuliani is, but in the meantime, all the effort, with his egotism and his Coarseness of the Original, the real Roy Cohn, to emulate.

Not nice, but extremely successful

represented with enthusiasm Mafiosi, was willingly used by gangsters to buy, from suckered to his client’s testamentary dispositions in his favour. He followed, although even gay, homosexual, was an anti-Semite, although himself a Jew, slandered, denounced, harassing his opponent. Killed he was, so far as is known, no one; he prided himself but likes to have as state’s attorney, by collusion with the judge Ethel Rosenberg to the electric chair brought. Although there were worldwide protests and even the Pope, the American President, Dwight Eisenhower, grace asked, was executed in the couple Rosenberg in 1953 executed.

blame it on the Paranoia of the Cold war, in the Cohn from the beginning of human history was. He was born in 1927 in the democratic Establishment in New York. Already at 20, he had completed his law studies, was expressed as, later, his student Donald Trump prior military service, in 1948, the state’s attorney, and specialized in the hunting of real or alleged Communist spies.

Nice, Roy Cohn, was not extremely successful. The trial against the Rosenberg’s secured him the attention of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who believed the United States from the Soviet Union and, therefore, the Communists at the United Nations, in Hollywood, in the Ministry of foreign Affairs and in the Army wanted to burn. The 24-year-old Cohn was his legal adviser, and missionary.

“I’m not interested in how the law is, but who the judge is.”Roy Cohn, lawyer

Cohn’s career, it would have been almost an early end, as he tried to free a friend from the military service. The machinations were exposed, the defense Ministry demanded an investigation, the President was indignant. McCarthy was out cold and drank himself soon to death; the nightmare was First passed. Also with the young upper schemers Cohn it seemed to be over, but began his ascent in the better circles of Power only after McCarthy. He went back to New York.

As in Washington, he practiced law for life and death, established himself as a ruthless lawyer. He’s not loaded much with a paragraph, but continued on its good Connections and acted according to the motto that he repeated often: “I’m interested in how the law is, but who the judge is.”

Cohn earned a fortune as a lawyer and found it Would, of course, under his, to pay taxes. The result: His heir was weggepfändet for payments to the tax office later almost the whole of the assets. In the legendary New York’s Studio 54, he held court, celebrated with the cocaine-Society of the early 80s, together with Stars such as Mick Jagger, Andy Warhol and Jackie Kennedy.

dark man, and Glamour-character

So it was just this dark man from the turbid Phase to the post-war years to a Glamour figure. Like he was in his Rolls-Royce in Manhattan for his latest Buhlknabe driving, at the wheel. He was sun tanned and in the years of the striking stapled together: an ageless child revived and was in the height of the sun, the compliant press.

In another Club he had met a young real estate entrepreneur from Brooklyn who was willing to be last by geschwitztes shirt for give away to be in the Party-Society of Manhattan included. He urgently needed the assistance: The Ministry of justice had not him and his father sued, because they wanted their newly built apartments to Black rent.

Roy Cohn knew the Council, which entered his protégé in a beautiful side-effect of the first headlines: He sued, for its part, the state 100 million dollars because of damage to reputation. Donald Trump was a made man, and he’s not full of praise for his Mentor: “He was my protection malicious to others.” And so, Roy Cohn, was at times the closest Advisor to Donald trump. Allegedly, the two have talked on the phone five times a day with each other.

A co-author of the Trump-legend

Cohn made the riser with the publisher Rupert Murdoch is known, and launched the complacency of the stories for the gossip page of the Murdoch newspaper “New York Post”. Early on, he was able to contribute to Trump legend, because Cohn organized the book contract for “The Art of The Deal”, trump is the notorious fact novel about his road to fame. An anecdote says that Trump kept in his Desk drawer a photo of his Consigliere only for the purpose to pull it out and in order for business partners to intimidate.

it was from the Darkling, I could compel up to the unrestrained admiration, at last a victim, even if he wanted to see not so. His semi-legal Goings-on caught up with him, but especially the Aids epidemic. Aids was a disgrace, and he was not even gay, said Cohn, “but a Heterosexual who’s hooking up with guys”. Gay people are powerless, which would know no one, have no influence, while he was connected in less than five minutes with the wife of the American President.

Trump took a photo of Roy Cohn, in order to allow business to intimidate partner.

Roy Cohn got along well with Republican politicians, and even claimed to have some in the office helped. In fact, he was able to make the media entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch, Ronald Reagan known what Murdoch recognizes demonstrated by appropriate reporting on.

Roger Stone, another Trump-friend, because of his machinations, however, just found guilty, to be told that he, as a Democrat, registered Cohn expressed in the presidential election in 1980, a suitcase with 125’000 dollars in the Hand. The money was intended for an independent third candidate in New York state, the abjagte then, as planned, the incumbent Jimmy Carter enough votes that Reagan got the delegates of New York and by far won the presidential election.

Aids was considered the “gay plague”

Because policy is sometimes made beautiful Gestures, was Roy Cohn, by using Mr. and Mrs. Reagan included in a special program and was able to use the life-prolonging AZT therapy, the Ill was for ordinary Aids not affordable. This, however, was, as usual, in Secret, because for the religious fundamentalists verse Homo ündigten sexual to God and the people’s health, Aids was considered a “gay plague”. The all-time mobile Donald Trump distanced himself from his Mentor, as all it was clear that he would not suffered from liver cancer, but Aids and die. Aids was contagious, and bad for business. Roy Cohn died in 1986. (Read here why Trump might be his current attorney Rudy Giuliani to drop.)

Created: 02.12.2019, 18:34 PM