“Trump nominates new ambassador to the united nations”

“Now there are a number of difficult challenges for the Craft, which must have a clear line in the world.”

“the Craft comes from Kentucky and her name sailed on seriously on the list of candidates after the republican majoritetsledaren in the senate, Mitch McConnell, suggested to her earlier in the week.”

“It is unclear whether the Craft as well as its predecessor Nikki Haley will sit in the Trumps of the cabinet together with the ministers. In any case, she must first be approved by the senate.”

“Curb Iranian influence”

“another burning question is Venezuela, where the united states has tried to persuade the UN to recognise the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the country’s legitimate president before socialistledaren Nicolás Maduro.”

“Even Trumps the former advisor Your Powell were among the candidates, but she is assumed to have been uninterested in the role. Powell left the White house last year, and returned to his former employer Goldman Sachs Group.”