A short conversation, a dinner – “great,” was Trump’s first Meeting with North Korea’s ruler Kim in Hanoi. But the big questions and the sensitive Details, it will go in the morning.
US President Donald Trump tweeted happy after dinner: Meeting and Dinner were “great”, he was looking forward to the discussions tomorrow.
in Front of the food North Korea has had in power, Kim Jong-Un briefly took the floor. He was extremely satisfied with the preparations for this summit. “We are meeting here for the second Time, we owe a courageous political decision by the American President,” he said.
You have filled the past few months since the Meeting in Singapore, with Thought, effort, and a lot of patience. Something that not many would have understood in the world really. The obstacles had been cleared out of the way. He assume that it will enter into an agreement, which could all welcome, Kim.
A long handshake to welcome US President Trump and the North Korean ruler Kim in Hanoi.
Trump emphasized personal relationship
30 minutes had spoken to Kim and Trump to each other, as a prelude to the real negotiations in the morning. From the Statements at the beginning, it was clear that the eight months have been used since the earth summit in Singapore, to work out the Details.
Trump stuck to his offer to help North Korea in building a successful economy, which will make the country prosperous and an important factor in the Region. And he stressed again and again the personal relationship that he and Kim built the Basis for this is that you can now sit together and negotiate. The American President stressed the great economic prospects of North Korea might have when it comes to an agreement the fact that the country dismantle its nuclear weapons.