The president of the USA, Donald Trump has again threatened to shut you down, if he walls his not be granted funds from the budget. Trump took the democrat leaders vehemently together in the public debate on the Mexican border wall to finance. CNN
the U.s. house smoldering in a short time already for the umpteenth time the bitter dispute in the budget.
the president met on Tuesday two of parliament’s top democrat, senate, Chuck Schumer and the house of commons Nancy Pelosi in the White house.
His key point about the wall, which Trump wants to be able to the Mexican border. The wall was his key election promises, but its construction is never executed, because the politicians do not want to give it funds.
Part of the meeting was in front of tv cameras. Trump was in a heated mood.
– If we don’t get what we want, I’ll close the administration. I have it, which it closes, Trump bluster.
normally, all political actors in the USA tend to blame each other for the government shutdown, as it will cause huge economic losses to the state and affects hundreds of thousands of people.
Donald Trump held a heated debate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer (right.) with the White house. Also the place have been vice president Mike Pence did not participate in the debate. EPA / AOP
Trump announced even that he causes a government shutdown with pride in order to get at the time of ”border security”.
the Show was probably directed at the president’s core supporters, who dislike Schumer and Pelosia. Trump tends to show that he’s trying to hold on to its promise.
20 threat
Schumer, according to Trump has threatened to close the administration of 20 times.
– You should not threaten me just because you don’t get your way, he said Trump.
Trump demands from congress for five billion dollars in financing to the wall. Democrats are willing to give on border security, more resources, but do not want to put on their wall, which they considered unnecessary and expensive. The same will also think about many republicans.
the president, by contrast, seeks to pull the equal sign border security and a wall between.
Congress should periodically consolidate the federal budget. If this does not happen, the state put in, so to speak, shut up shop. All non-vital functions, such as air traffic control or to prisons run by people will be laid off until the budget is obtained through.
This has happened twice this year. The first barrier at the end of January lasted a little over two days. The latter occurred in February and lasted only one night. The previous, more than two weeks of closing occurs in 2013.
the Deadline for budget approval is 21. December.