NEW YORK (Dagbladet): 20. January 2017 was Donald Trump is sworn in as the United states ‘ 45. president. He had not a record audience to his first spokesperson, Sean Spicer, tried to persuade the public. But, the organizing committee behind the innsettelsesseremonien in front of the us congress collected a record-breaking total, 107 million dollars (about 900 million). It is more than twice as much as the organizing committee of the previous president, Barack Obama, collected.

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Now investigating prosecutors in New York if there is illegality attached to how this money was collected or used, writes the Wall Street Journal.

the Criminal, which shall remain in an early phase, examine among other things, about some of the biggest pengegiverne gave money in exchange for political influence. It can in this case be a violation of federal korrupsjonslover.


Many of the president’s most important donors during the campaign also gave some of the largest sums to the innsettelseskomiteen. The investigation implies thus, even a potential threat to the people in the circle around the Trump, writes the newspaper.

the Investigation comes as a result of seizures in the investigation of Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Cohen was Wednesday sentenced to three years in prison for among other things, tax evasion, lying to congress and for violating the valgkampfinansieringsloven.

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FBI agents ransacked Cohens home, office and hotel in april. Among other things, they should have seized the recording of a conversation between Cohen and Stephanie Winston Wolkoff. Wolkoff is a former adviser to the first lady Melania Trump, and worked with innsettelsesseremonien. In the recording, expresses Wolkoff concern for how the committee uses the money, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Investigators should have asked, Trumps earlier valgkampmedarbeider, Rick Gates, who was also deputy head of the organizing committee, about how the money was spent and who were the donors. Gates has already declared themselves guilty of offences relating to the Russian federation-the investigation and is awaiting sentencing. As part of the agreement he collaborates now with the prosecution, writes the Wall Street Journal.

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Arrangementkomiteen was led by eiendomsutvikleren and Trumps friend, Thomas Barrack jr. He shall not yet have been questioned by investigators after he gave the explanation in the Russian federation-the investigation into last year.


the Committee is not aware of any ongoing investigation, and have not been contacted by the prosecution. The committee’s finances were audited internally and independently and can be accounted for in its entirety. Accounting was also transferred to the federal electoral commission (FEC) and the irs (IRS) in accordance with the laws and regulations. The money was collected from private donors and were used in accordance with the legislation and your donor expectations, the committee said in the statement, according to CNN.

Trump’s publicist, Sarah Huckabee Sanders attempted on Thursday evening to distance the president from the investigation.

– This has nothing with the president or førstedamen to do. The largest the president made his commitment during the inauguration, was to come here and lift your hand and swear an oath of allegiance. The president was concerned about the transition at the time and not planning innsettelsesseremonien, ” she says, according to CNN.

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the Investigation contributes, however, to reinforce the impression of a president who is surrounded by the investigations. Several of his closest associates are already convicted or indicted in the ongoing Russia-investigation.

Prosecutors in New York have also implied Trump himself directly in the law. They believe he instructed Michael Cohen to perform violations of valgkampfinansieringsloven. Cohen got namely the responsibility to pay the so-called hysjpenger to Karen MacDougal and Stormy Daniels during the election campaign in 2016. The two claim that they had affairs with Trump. The money was to get them to keep quiet.

Even claims Trump that he did not have done anything illegal. Russia-the investigation concerning him consistently as a “witch hunt”. the

In January also takes the Democrats over flertaller in the house of Representatives. When do they get the authority to subpoena witnesses and require documents handed over. And they have already notified comprehensive investigations of both the president and the circle around him.

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