Who, like Donald Trump in the real estate business large, familiar, apparently, especially concrete and steel. His idea of a border wall rises to the logic of a moderately imaginative contractor and the administration state of emergency is not worth it, with the US President, just the one-billion down payment for the project audience to be effective want to give in to blackmail.

The wall to solve a challenge of the 21st century. Century with the resources of the first century, formulated by a Mexican Diplomat. Also, it can be a crisis on the southern U.S. border is no speech: Currently, 80 percent less immigration to be willing as yet to the turn of the Millennium.

However, it is not only the lower instincts, which allow the US President to exploit the immigration issue. Rather, there are decades of actual need for reform, the American policy is all too often ignored. This contributes to the impression, to have control over immigration policy lost.

40 percent of the decision are at the time submerged.

So, has quadrupled the number of pending cases before the ineffective and understaffed U.S. immigration courts since 2008 to more than 770’000. The asylum seekers, the majority of which come from the Central American countries of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, to wait on average two years for a decision on their Status.

Meanwhile, 40 percent of them at the time of decision submerged. A pilot program, the affected families, workers found while waiting on a social side, was able to increase the appearance rate in court is 100%. The Trump government introduced it. Since 1986, the U.S. Congress has not enacted immigration law, which clarifies the Status of some of them for decades, illegally living in the country people.

undocumented migrants, many of the daily Jobs to do, and often poorly paid.

The truth is that many companies take advantage of workers without legal stay status. From the strawberry fields in California to the slaughter houses in Texas, one of the major construction sites in Michigan, up in the kitchen of the hip New York Restaurants: undocumented migrants, many of the daily Jobs to do, and often poorly paid.

you Will get caught, they face deportation. Who has the black worker has to fear, however, rarely bigger Trouble. Just employers ‘ organisations block for years initiatives, the residency status of potential employees before hiring binding check. Supporters of this can be found in both parties.

Many immigrants from Central America have accepted these working conditions, however, harmless. Most of the work to ensure that their children have it even better.

Complex issues to be negotiated in Washington.

Compared with the parents. However, only one out of every five Latino second Generation achieved a higher level of education. So few are in any other group of Immigrants. A forecast that soon two out of three U.S. Jobs require a high school diploma. The job market for Americans is shrinking without higher qualifications – and that’s exactly where the trump idealism tries to stir up the resentment against competition from the migration environment.

From this situation, not the wall-fantasies of the U.S. presidents, the pressure for Reform. However, complex issues to be negotiated in Washington. It dominates the symbolism: concrete and steel. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 03.01.2019, 18:35 PM