on Wednesday president Donald Trump frontal attack on the United states etterretningssjefer, after they had presented their global threat assessment to Congress on Tuesday.

– Extremely dangerous

Trump was obviously irritated over the fact that the CIA chief Gina Hapsel, FBI chief Christopher Wray and the United states national sikkerhetsdirektør, Daniel Coats, so to speak, Trump opposite on some key points.

This was about North Korea, IS Iran, and atomavtalen.

Trump called etterretningsfolkene for “extremely passive and naïve”, and suggested that they had benefited from more schooling.

Trump’s Twitter tirade caused a stir, and both the democrats and the people from Trump’s own party took away from the president’s overtures.

– I don’t know how many times one can say this, but I had preferred if the president stayed away from Twitter, ” said senator John Thune, who sits in the republican leadership.

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the Democrats said, among other things, that “it is extremely dangerous that The white house does not belong after”, and described it as “extremely dangerous” that Trump undermines etterretningsbyråene.

Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the house of Representatives, called Trump’s statements as “shocking”, according to news agency AP.

Trump turns after the meeting,

But just a day after Twitter tiraden, is the tone different from Trump. Then he had a meeting with etterretningssjefer in The oval office.

“Have just closed a good meeting with my etterretningslag in The oval office, and they told me that what they said during the senatshøringen Tuesday was incorrectly portrayed by the media and we are very agree about Iran, ICE, North Korea, etc. Their statements were distorted by the press”, tvitret Trump, which ended with:

“Luckily we had a very good meeting, and we are on the same page”

– They said that they were completely misquoted. It was taken out of context. I suggest that you call them. They said that it was fake news, something that is, frankly, not surprised me, ” said Trump after the meeting, according to the Washington Post.

Etterretningslederne has so far not commented on the meeting.

the Hearing in the Senate was open and was sent directly on C-SPAN, the american kringkastingsstasjonen that is devoted to continuous coverage of the Senate.

– Complete lack of respect

Both republicans and democrats have defended the intelligence after Trumps frontal attack, and the criticism from the democrats was not something milder, although Trump on Thursday claimed that he and etterretningssjefene was quite agree on things.

– the Press aroused not the president and got him to race against the intelligence on Twitter. This is the same president who stood on stage and told the world that he believed Vladimir Putin instead of their own etterretningssjefer. No twittermelding or photo shoot can make about the two years where the president has shown complete lack of respect for the intelligence, ” says Mark Warner, the democratic leader in the Senate etterretningskomité.

When Trump earlier in the day Thursday, before the meeting in The oval office, was asked about the Twitter tiraden, he did not have turned on any way.

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– I disagree with some of the things they said. I think I have the right, but time will prove it, time will probably give me the right. I think Iran is a threat. I think I did an amazing thing when I cancelled the idiotic atomavtalen. It was a one-sided deal, ” said Trump.

When Trump withdrew the united STATES from the agreement, he claimed that it was because Iran was not in compliance with the agreement. This was one of the points where the etterretningssjefene trying Trump on Tuesday.

They stated that they believe Iran is still to fulfil his obligations in atomavtalen. About North Korea, they said that they believe North Korea cannot be persuaded to abandon all its nuclear weapons, something that stands in conflict with the Trumps own opinion.

Trump’s Twitter criticism was also Chuck Schumer, the democratic leader in the Senate, to send a letter to the U.s. national sikkerhetsdirektør, Danial Coats, where he talked about Trump’s criticism as “extremely inappropriate” and that it could undermine public confidence in the authorities ‘ ability to defend americans.

To the frontal attack on the etterretningssjefer: – wish he stayed away from Twitter