The scrunch. Moves. Is hard to breath in and take on. And it is, after all, only a small wooden board to be cut, without the shadow of asbestos in the vicinity.
the Excuses can be many to jump støvmasken over, when there should be renovated, torn down or built up. They are also apparently widespread. A report from the labour inspectorate concluded in the autumn of that mesh is available among the country’s nedrivere, but that they are often allowed to hang in the skurvognen.
In the time after the campaign ‘Stop the Dust in the Construction industry’ from the 2014 could the oversight also see that the companies, which at the time took part, was not to secure as well against dust. This, despite the fact that many according to the supervision had been surprised at how dangerous commonly byggepladsstøv can be.
We’ve taken 10 different engangsmasker under the microscope to find out what a good dust mask should be able to – and not least what needs to, to get more people to take them on. In addition, we have allied us with the tv carpenter Casper Kjerumgaard, which over 14 days have tested the comfort and ease of use during the work.
All masks belong to the P3 class, which is the most air-purifying among engangsmaskerne. Here one is not only protected against byggepladsstøv and plaster, but also against the asbestos, metal powders, and by grinding of the filler.
– Dust is our invisible enemy. It is not something you think about, and the effect on 20, 30 or 40 years. First, that we get problems with the lungs, because they are packed with dust from a full working life, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
Tv-the carpenter may well recognize the image of that støvmaskerne once in a while can be forgotten or ignored at work.
– We turn just as the wind is right. We craftsmen can be some cowboydere, it goes so it goes, and we have saved 10 minutes, so we get it home quicker. But it will not in the long run, he says, and adds:
– The two minutes it takes to take the mask on, the ones you have in essence used to give yourself a longer life.
A good dust mask should, according to the Casper Kjerumgaard master three things: It should sit well, be easy to get on and be to breathe in without straining.
While virtually all masks are easy to breathe in, they differ a lot from each other, when it comes to comfort and application.
Among testmaskerne is both classic kopforme, folding ‘coffee’, as Casper Kjerumgaard call them, and a few that sticks outside of the category. During the test, it quickly becomes clear to the tv-the carpenter, that several of the masks did not fit his face shape and are hard to get on.
Therefore, he invites you to spend some time to find the mask that fits best for one.
– There will be a greater trend that I’m getting used it, if it also feels comfortable. It’s a bit like with the gloves: are they Sitting well, without that you can label them, so you use them more, he says.
The same applies to when the stitches should be taken on. While some of the testmaskerne is equipped with two straps or innovative mechanisms, keeps the other himself to a single strap, and it is according to tv-the carpenter clear that several of the manufacturers have spent time on the part of the mask. It is there a special reason to, he points out.
– One of the most important prerequisites for getting used to the mask, is that it is easy to get on. Is it not it, many will let it lie, and it can be a barrier for security, he says.
A barrier is, according to the Casper Kjerumgaard also, that it’s often not cool to take the mask on. Much depends, however, on the chair on the square, or the man, who has apprentices with, takes the lead and takes the mask on when it is required.
the Manufacturers could also do more to make the masks more modern and cool, the view tv-the carpenter.
– They look like something from Chernobyl. Where is the Ferrari-red or the one with grafitti? Here are so many companies represented, and not one has thought ‘we should do something else’. The stitches are the same color, even the ties are either red or white, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
He proposes, instead, that you give building contractors and road contractors are allowed to design their own masks with for example the company logo and the same colour as the clothes they wear.
– It could be interesting to measure, though more so would use the masks, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
OX-ON the Supreme
Photo: Mathias Grams
– I can get næseklemmen on, but I can’t get støvmasken under the chin and at the same time to cover the nose, so that it becomes a little bit too small for my face.
– It is however positive that opspændingspunkterne is separated, and the works actually.
The post in the bowl, but it sits together with the mask and should have been a bit thicker, if it really had close to the skin, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
OX-ON In-Safe
Photo: Mathias Grams
– It can be, it’s just my face, but I can’t get it to sit well. I can get it down over her chin, but it feels as if the whole time is to slip up when I move about with it. And so I can actually get a finger down behind the mask by the nose.
– the Valve works well, but the bowl is too hard. It has no foam, so it becomes a bit like taking a køkkenskål on the mouth, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
Air+ with a fan
Photo: Mathias Grams
– This is fun. It is a liret gadgetmodel, that gives some sound, and the fan runs faster when you breathe. If it was such that I had an experience of getting much fresh air in, then it would be mega fat. But I think fast, it’s over, how well it works.
– It draws up, is that it looks cool. But it is difficult to get on, and I do not think it sits close enough to my face, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
Würth FFP3
Photo: Mathias Grams
– Here is a skålmaske, covering my chin and nose bridge, so I’m protected. Næseklemmen do something good for me, and it has skumindlæg, so it does not hurt. I would well be able to hold out to have it on for three hours.
– It has a fun linkage, which I did not understand. I think they thought that one must take it on in a certain way. But it overkill, and perhaps you could have saved a fiver, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
Otto Schachner klapbar
Photo: Mathias Grams
– I have a hard time getting it on, but it is better than the cup-shaped, and to the spirits of good in it. It feels a little stiff, like when you take a new suit on, but the stiffness gives a feeling that it sits more to the.
– Næseklemmen is not particularly good here. There must be a nose clip, so it must also work, and it doesn’t really here. You press it down, and then bend it out again, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
Otto Schachner cup
Photo: Mathias Grams
– This is the mask I associate with the most classic dust mask. It has a separate mount that you can tighten the front and I can both see and feel that støvmasken will be drawn to me. It also has a post, which makes it comfortable to wear.
– It is larger in the bowl, but may not be tightened properly by the nose. There is not any pinching, so I have a hole down to the nose, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
3M kopformet
Photo: Mathias Grams
– Try to see how big a hole there is by the nose. It is really too small for me, and gets me to think that I have the world’s largest head. I said earlier that it was good, when the rubber bands were separated, but here I would like to have had the opportunity to tighten them.
– Næseklemmen is also too small. On the positive side, it is easy to get on, but it can be just much, if not ending, close, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
Winner: 3M ‘Off-The-Face’
Photo: Mathias Grams
– It is my favorite. It sits well on my face and are comfortable to have on. It has no fill, so I can breathe and I can move me, without having the feeling of the mask falls of.
The thick rubber I also like. It sits far from the filter, and when you get the mask on, take into account all ujævnhederne in the face, so the mask sits. To return I could not get the to function properly, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
3M klapbar with valve
Photo: Mathias Grams
– If you know it, you can be a little in love with it. It is easy to take with, because it does not fill anything, and so one has perhaps greater tendency to have it in inderlommen.
– It sits really well on my face, and the square shape is much better, than I immediately thought. It sits close, and it is nice to have on when you move. The challenge is to get it on, it requires getting used to, says Casper Kjerumgaard.
3M klapbar without valve
Photo: Mathias Grams
– The here feels really like a coffee filter. It has the same shape and size as the other one from 3M, but missing the valve. Here I have a feeling that I was being blocked inside, and I can not in the same way breathe like in the other model with the valve.
– Purely ergonomic sitting the mask well, but it reminds me most of all about how important the valve is on a dust mask, says Casper Kjerumgaard.