A secondary student in Wiesendangen want to go hungry because of bullying to death, such as the “Blick” reported. “Bring di”, written by a classmate in a class chat. As the school doctor noticed the weight loss of the schoolgirl, confronted her parents. This took the girl by the school , it came in a clinic. The parents raise serious allegations against the school’s care, this easy-to-see.

Hubert Herger, a member of the Wiesendanger school care. In the case of employees of school care”,” the fate of the student do you very sorry. “It’s tens of hours of education have been invested in social work, in order to improve the Situation of the student.” This is also the cantonal education Directorate, which has rejected a Supervisory complaint by the parents was confirmed. The problems of the girl had been taken “seriously and with care and consideration”.

Now offered at Winterthur “Country”, the mother of a second secondary pupil reported the same school, which had also been through bullying in an eating disorder driven. You have to be laid, therefore, in may of 2017, the Zurich children’s hospital. At that time her pulse was below 30 beats per Minute in healthy people, it is twice as high.

The connection was followed by a half year of therapy. Her daughter was ostracized by classmates consistently, and been teased, and the mother said: “you came during the last school year, often home crying and wanted nothing to eat.” Again and again they have refused to go in the afternoon back to school.

Trouble on idle school

Especially the mother is angry about the inaction of the school: “There have been no discussions with the teacher or the headmaster, even though you considered the weight loss at some point.” Her daughter had been excluded because of their weak body sometime from the turn of instruction.The teacher should have done, according to the mother, nothing against the miss status: “My daughter cried several times in the classroom, the teacher simply ignored.”

Hubert Herger is the mentioned Situation with the teacher, “completely unknown,” he says. The lack of Intervention by the school nurse on the grounds that the school didn’t know anything about the case. “The disease message in the last weeks of the third secondary school came a surprise to everyone,” says Herger. Previously, had never been of a bullying-like Situation, the speech, not on the part of the parents.

No protection for the perpetrator

The Problem with bullying is the diffuse facts of the case and the identity of the perpetrators. “This is the perfidious on bullying: Where it begins, where the limit is exceeded?”, Herger says. To recognize bullying for the school, therefore, is very difficult. It was not, however, so that the perpetrators would enjoy in Wiesendangen, in principle, the protection as it is the “look” I posted on Tuesday: “If in the control area of the school, the obvious occurs and the perpetrators are unable to find, we resort to Disciplinary action.” This could be the testimony to be relevant.

Nevertheless, Herger emphasizes the core mission of the school. “Our mission is to create an atmosphere that enables good Learning. We are not primarily educators.” The secondary school operates according to Herger in bullying on three different levels: in Addition to individual conversations, the classes for the bullying awareness issue and it is worked on the courage of his convictions. At the top of school management, school network, social work, teachers, parents and, where necessary, other specialist agencies.

school psychology worse?

it is striking that the secondary school Wiesendangen has organized recently the school psychological service. To the school year 2015/16 the way Wiesendangen had to leave the special-purpose Association of the school psychological service of Winterthur-Land. Since then, it has organized with other neighboring community and leads the school psychological service autonomously.

deterioration of this Reorganisation, the quality of school psychology? “On the contrary”, says Herger. “The current solution is better, because the school psychologists on-site, and thus more rapidly able to respond.” Also, the cost-Benefit ratio had improved by the own organization.

Currently, three psychologists working in the more recent merger with the neighboring municipalities. A point is reassigned, the predecessor have regularly terminated, a substitute will be solely currently work, says Herger.

mother wants to say discussion toast

The mother of the allegedly bullied Wiesendanger teenager, that your daughter is “a lot healthier, but not healthy.” A Supervisory complaint to the cantonal education Directorate are not filed the family two years ago. “At that time I had simply no additional force,” says the mother.

she hopes, however, that your current gear to the Public in a discussion about bullying: “The school Wiesendangen should not talk about your dealing with this topic, more questions, and with the technical definitions.” Her daughter would bring nothing more, but coming students.

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Created: 01.03.2019, 10:33 PM