has the opposite sex. So sharp are we in spite of everything. But otherwise statsministerkandidaterne Lars Løkke Rasmussen and Mette Frederiksen, two cubits, of one piece. And it is not a pretty one of its kind.

we do not know the date of the elections, the election campaign for the longest shot in time. The two combatants have had their first duel, and despite the fact that they agree on the most part in Danish politics, they chose anyway and, quite predictably, to make it to an exercise in mud-slinging.

to continue to do so, it will be some long months, where politikerleden will grow further in the population. And it has good enough been nourished on the latest with Britt Baker case, the bypass at the Mariager and Kristian Thulesen Dahl’s special train to London.

All the expression of bad morale and incredibly poor judgment.

Lars Løkke and Mette Frederiksen. Their problem is that they have been in politics for so long that they bear responsibility for many of the things that have gone awry in the past decade.

among other things, the scandals in the TAX administration, where both S – and V-led governments have failed fatally. The latest are the two statsministerkandidater begun to discuss who has the responsibility or the blame for a long strip of sygehuslukninger.

could demand that our leading politicians can be different than just looking in the rear view mirror. Where are the big visions, where is the plan to wear Denmark safely into the next decade?

and his government have not much to offer. The newly proposed health care reform does not come in place before the elections. The same is true in the tax area, where owners are still allowed to go in the dark when it comes to the new boligskattesatser and boligskatteregler.

when the general, rasmussen Karsten Lauritzen not to get done. It is like so much else postponed until after the elections.

have played out with a reform of the retirement system, but particularly thorough or convincing it is not. Now comes the government with their own proposals on the area, and so doing the parties to a settlement – after the election. Exactly as they have done in the aliens policy.

and the Social democrats agree on the most part. They also carry a shared responsibility. It gets them just not to say.

Why must we go through a ritual of campaigning, where the two protagonists will simper for the Danish people’s party, Kristian Thulesen Dahl and also say nasty things about each other.

It will be not a better country.