The american kørselstjeneste Uber is seeking to be listed on the stock exchange in New York. It appears from the documents filed with the u.s. securities and exchange commission on Thursday.

According to Bloomberg News, the corporation plans to sell shares through an ipo with the help of banks such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Barclays and Citigroup.

In Thursday’s announcement to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) writes Uber, the company has no plans to pay dividends for the “foreseeable future”.

Uber, which is known for its app-based service for booking and payment of transport services, the information also in the message risikoafsnit that the company expects that its operating expenses will increase significantly in the future. And there may be a risk that Uber will not generate profits. It writes Bloomberg News.

on Wednesday night, wrote The Wall Street Journal, which had information from anonymous sources, just that the company would submit the application to be listed on the stock exchange on Thursday.

at the same time, wrote the media, that Uber is going after to raise about ten billion dollars through the ipo.

the Sources also indicated that the potential price level for a stock is set to between 48 and 55 dollars. According to The Wall Street Journal it will be similar to that of Uber are aiming for a market value of between 90 and 100 billion u.s. dollars.

Ubers ipo has been expected, and analysts have previously estimated that the company would have a combined market capitalization of 120 billion u.s. dollars.

According to multiple media expected the ipo to be one of the largest among the u.s. teknologiselskaber.

At the end of march was the competitor Lift also listed on the New York stock exchange, and the stock dropped 15,3 percent in value.

The last few days, the competing kørselstjeneste had some particularly tough days on the stock exchange, while the anticipated ipo of Uber approached.