– P3s morgenvært Anders Stegger – if the salary, I’m helping to pay through my license – has now said sorry, for the judgment calls he made on Friday about the advertiser boycott of the Short Newspaper.
– Now all we need is that he says sorry for the remarks he made about Kenneth Kristensen Berth in Thursday.
so begins the nation’s! Lars V a letter on the license, the public service and the Danish Radio journalists ‘ way of expressing their political opinions. the
See also: DF’is refusing to pay the license fee: Raging against the DR-the host call for a boycott
Lars was about to crash in his car on the way to work, when he on Thursday morning at. 7.25 heard the much-criticised Anders Steggers feature DF’s EU rapporteur’s opinions on the Eu’s external borders. And it seemed he was far over the line. Lars’ letter – as part of the P3-chief Christian Ottenheim have been Monday, but haven’t commented yet – continues thus:
– DF’eren had said, that the boats with migrants crossing the Mediterranean sea should be stopped by the kystbevogtningsfartøjer, and that you could possibly shoot at them, if menneskesmugler-skippers not recovered after kystbevogtningens commandments.
– It’s got the P3 turned to, that someone should shoot Jack Berth.
– In addition, it appeared to DFeren just told the reality of the situation – being shot at the migrants ‘ ships – but now we lack to P3 relate to the reality outside of the comfortable radio studio and gives the DF an apology, writes Lars V.
Kenneth Kristensen Berth has at Ekstra call listening feature through (you can see a preview below), and he has not behpv for apology:
It speak for itself, what I think about it there.
– But there is no doubt that this is an unintelligent fool. He has got the legal right to shut down his verbal vomit besides us other for licenskronerne.
– I think instead that he should run for Parliament, if he has so many opinions. He can call it Fladpandet people’s Party.
do you Think that Anders Stegger or P3 owe an apology?
– No, I think not. I think he should speak up. Then we free others to listen in on all his ubegavede ævl. It belongs nowhere at home.
don’t you Think he could be a threat if he stood for Parliament?
– No, I am not afraid. It is better than he is on the Radio and says so very unintelligent to all danes.
he Could not get many votes?
– In the Parliament have opportunities for voters not to want to hear and vote for him.
– At DR are committed to listen to him without we ourselves have chosen it, says Berth, but what do you say?