“UN: Rebels in Yemen should leave the important ports”

“Huthirebellerna in Yemen, according to the UN, promised that on Saturday begin its retreat from the three port towns, including the strategically important port city of al-Hudaydah (Hodeida).”

“This is the first real step in order to fulfill what was said in a ceasefire agreement that was signed in Sweden in december.”

“The Iranstödda rebelltruppernas much delayed retreat from the port cities should be ready on Tuesday, writing,” the retired general Michael Lollesgaard from Denmark, the head of the UN observer mission in the country, in a statement. He writes that he ”

“According to the joint committee (RCC), which leads the work to move the warring troops further away from each other, the rebels agreed to a one-sided movement from the ports of al-Hudaydah, Salif and Ras Isa. The first of these is used for many kinds of shipments, the other for the transportation of grain, and the third for the transportation of oil.”

“Nothing stands in the statement, if any movements of the rebel opponents – the sunni saudiskledda military alliance that also supports the internationally recognised government and forces loyal to it.”

“the Hope was high about a possible end to the four year long war when the agreement was concluded in Sweden. But since then, it has mostly gone in the stand and not at least around al-Hudaydah.”

“and Now, the united nations observers and other personnel from organisation to monitor the rebel movements. The UN emphasizes, however, that this is only a first step which must be followed by ”

“The saudiskledda the alliance has long accused the rebels of using the ports to smuggle in weapons from the shi’ite Iran. With the rebel retreat, said the UN get more chance to take. ”

“Sadiq Dweid, spokesperson for the internationally recognised government’s delegation in the RCC, says to be positive to the rebel retreat, but he puts a lot of responsibility on the UN”

“Western countries, a part of which supports the alliance, under pressure to put an end to the conflict, which is widely seen as a war by proxy (proxykrig) between saudi Arabia and Iran.”

“the War has in addition to the killed and wounded led to malnutrition and starvation, and that 24.1 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance.”

“The wave of popular protests that broke out in the arab world in early 2011 spread to Yemen. At the end of the year, the then-president Ali Abdullah Saleh from power and was succeeded in 2012 by his vice-president Abd Rabbu Mansur Hadi.”

“Huthirebellerna felt marginalised and discriminated against by the central government and the 2014 besieged the capital, Sanaa, to get through their demands for increased influence. They got the support of Saleh and increased the pressure further in early 2015. President Hadi fled to the port city of Aden and later to saudi Arabia.”

“In march 2015, I began a saudiskledd military alliance flygbomba rebellmål. Since then, over 10 000 people have been killed and millions had been driven on the run.”

“A ceasefire agreement was signed in Sweden in december but not much has changed on the ground. UN-led talks between the parties have continued, but there is as yet no solution for a lasting peace.”