It is alarming: About one Million animal and plant species could disappear in the coming decades, a UN report. The extent of species extinction was, therefore, never so great as it is today.
In its first global report on the status of biodiversity in the world biodiversity sitätsrat (IPBES) draws a dramatic picture: Of the eight million animals estimated and plant species worldwide, about a Million is in danger of extinction. The extent of species extinction in the history of mankind never been so great as it is today – and the extinction rate to take more. Three-quarters of the natural areas on the continents have been changed by the people, in the seas two-thirds.
The world’s biodiversity sitätsrat IPBES is an intergovernmental body and has the task to advise in the area of biodiversity and ecosystem services scientifically. Currently, 132 States – including Germany – member of the Council.
In most habitats in the country, the number fell of naturally occurring species by at least 20 percent, is another of the key messages of the report. More than 40 percent of amphibian species, nearly 33 percent of reef-forming corals, and more than a third of all marine mammal species are threatened. Also in farm animals is disappearing diversity: More than nine percent of the mammals that serve as a meat supplier, or as a work animal, be extinct by 2016.
the basis of life of the people in danger
the Chairman of The world biodiversity Council, Robert Watson, warned that the man is jeopardising his livelihood: “We economies are eroding global the actual Basis of our economies, livelihoods, food security and quality of life.” The world community must turn urgently from economic growth as a Central goal towards more sustainable systems, it said.
Earlier hamster were considered to be pests, but today they are threatened with extinction.
Urgent actions
again and again, the authors emphasize that the loss of diversity is not a pure environmental issue, but also a development, economic, political stability, and social aspects, such as refugee flows influenced. Serious consequences for the people around the world are now likely to warn you. But it was too late for counter-measures, explained Watson, “but only if we begin immediately on all of the local to global levels”. It is the Fund needed to be included fundamental changes in technology, economy and society, paradigms, goals and values.