It is best to play football on the grass of the FC Central football stadium MCH Arena. And the worst at the Right to Dream Park in Farum.
this is the result of a vote among the unique in scandinavia because the 14 captains, writes Spillerforeningen in a press release.
MCH Arena have achieved a score of 4.5 on a scale from one to five.
– At MCH Arena, it is a priority to have a good grass runway. It is skilled people, which invest the necessary resources to provide a fundamental working tool for the players.
– It is a pleasure, and it is the great piece of work, players signs, says Thomas Lindrup, director of spillerrådgivning in Spillerforeningen.
Number two on the list is Blue Water Arena, Esbjerg home. It has achieved a score of 4,11 and takes the second place for the nose of the oval.
Brøndby Stadium gets a score of 4.09 in the vote.
While the MCH Arena is in the top, FC Nordsjællands home, Right to Dream Park, in the bottom. Kunstgræsbanen get the second lowest score of 1.40.
Spillerforeningen will announce each year unique in scandinavia because the best football pitch. This makes it in order to improve the track condition.
1: MCH Arena (FC Midtjylland) of 4.50.
2: Blue Water Arena (Esbjerg fB) 4,11.
3: Brøndby Stadion (Brøndby IF) of 4.09.
4: Aalborg Portland Park (AaB) 3,88.
5: Telia Parken (F. C. Copenhagen) 3,88.
6: Ceres Park (AGF) 3,56.
7: Sydbank Park (south Jutland) of 3.50.
8: North Energy Arena (Vendsyssel FF) 3,40.
9: Vejle (Vejle) 3,30.
10: BioNutria Park Randers (Randers FC) 3,30. the
11: DS Arena (Hobro IK) 3,00.
12: Ewii Park (OB) 2,90. the
13: Casa Arena Horsens (AC Horsens): 2,90. the
14: Right to Dream Park (FC Nordsjælland) 1,40.
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