The U.S. Congress comes together for the first time in a new line-up – much more feminine and colorful than in the past. In the house of representatives, the Democrats now have the Say. For President Trump it will be uncomfortable.

In the case of the US mid-term elections in early November has shifted a lot. Trumps Republicans have defended their majority in the U.S. Senate and were able to win a few seats. They lost control in the house of representatives to the Democrats. For Trump it is painful, it makes the Rule for him, but uncomfortable.

But only the balance of power will change – the new Congress is also colorful and feminine. For the first time, two female descendants of the indigenous people to sit in the house of representatives. The States of Massachusetts and Connecticut to send the first black women in the US Parliament and Arizona, and Tennessee will be represented for the first time by the Senator of the interior in Washington. Add to this the self-confessed Gay, lesbian, Bisexual.

she is at the age of 29 the youngest: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York.

at All the women In the 116. US Congress seats 127 politicians. That was almost 24 percent, as the Center for Women and Politics, Rutgers-announced the University of. 102 work in the house of representatives, 25 in the Senate. In the house of representatives 89 a Democrat to take in the future. The number of their Republican colleagues declined from 23 to 13. In the Senate there will be 17 Democrats and eight Republicans on the inside.

oath of office on the Koran – Thomas Jefferson

The house of representatives also witnessed another Premiere. The Democrat Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, a take as the first Muslim women to their seats. Out of consideration for you, the Democrats want to loosen a provision in the rules of procedure so that female deputies now have the right to wear a head scarf. Tlaib wants to take their oath of office on the Koran, but not to any. She has chosen an English Translation from the year 1734. This comes from the estate of Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of independence, and 3. President of the United States.