The U.S. Congress has enacted two bills to support the Pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. The house of representatives approved on Wednesday evening (local time) almost unanimously two bills, which had decided the day before to the Senate.

you go beyond a in the past month by the house of representatives adopted the draft. US President, Donald Trump has to sign the laws, in order to enter into force. He will have ten days – excluding Sundays – for a long time, if he opts for a Veto.

A familiar with the matter said, the President did not intend the bills to sign and veto is not exercise. A Veto applies, in any case, unlikely because the regulations have passed both the Senate and the house of representatives almost without objections.

Protest from China

as a Protest against the adoption by the Senate, had summoned the Chinese government on Wednesday, the US chargé d’affaires in Beijing. Vice-Minister of foreign Affairs Ma Zhaoxu said, Hong Kong was an “internal affair” and that no one should interfere. Ma Zhaoxu urged the U.S. government to take “effective measures” to prevent that the approved designs are converted into laws. Otherwise, China will take appropriate counter-measures. The United States would have to bear the consequences.

Trump has kept up with criticism on China’s approach in Hong Kong so far back. He has not expressed whether he will put in the legislation to sign or Veto. However, a Veto could be overruled by a two-thirds majority in both chambers.

threat of economic sanctions

A bill that prohibited the Export of, among other things, tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons, and handcuffs to Hong Kong police was both in the house of representatives and in the Senate unanimously adopted. The “human rights and democracy regulation” to Hong Kong was in the Senate unanimously and in the house of representatives with only one dissenting voice, decided.

The “human rights and democracy regulation” threatens, among other things, economic sanctions. The draft also stipulates that the President impose sanctions against persons imposed for serious violations of human rights in Hong Kong responsible. Are provided in addition, annual reports of the Ministry of foreign Affairs to Congress whether Hong Kong is sufficiently Autonomous from China, in order to justify a preferential treatment in economic and trade issues. Citizens ‘ rights should be taken into account. (sda)

Created: 21.11.2019, 04:48 PM