US President, Trump has a first Challenger for the next presidential election: The Democrat Warren, a critic of the President is known, is preparing its candidacy.

The US Democrat Elizabeth Warren has taken a crucial step on the way to a possible presidential candidature in your party. The Senator from the state of Massachusetts founded a Committee to determine your chances in the case of a candidacy.

Warren, supported at the election in 2016, Hilary Clinton, is a member of the left wing of the Democrats. She had delivered in the past, a fierce war of words with U.S. President Donald Trump. As Warren described him as “insecure Bucktooth”, driven by greed and hatred. Trump, in turn, withdrew their statement about their native American roots into the Ridiculous, and called it mockingly “Pocahontas”.

On Twitter, described by Warren in a Video of its political goals. She explained, every person in the USA should be able to work hard and provide for himself and the people he love.

Biden and Sanders potential candidates

The 69-Year-old is the first prominent representative of your party, which makes their ambitions with such a step publicly. It is expected that a number of other Democrats will follow in the coming weeks. So, the former Vice-President, Joe Biden, as well as independent Senator Bernie Sanders, the failed 2016 in the pre-election campaign against Hillary Clinton are about as a possible candidate for the Democrats. The senators Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Sherrod Brown and Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as the outgoing member Beto O’rourke is said to have ambitions.