The leading Democrats in the U.S. house of representatives want to read for myself, why US President Donald Trump is allegedly innocent. The powerful chairmen of the six committees that investigate currently, trump’s behavior in the office, US attorney General William Barr on Monday by letter with an Ultimatum. To 2. April, you want to keep the full final report from special investigator Robert Mueller in the hands. Including all of the investigative files underlying the report.

Mueller had passed last Friday its long-awaited final report on the Russia-affair to Barr. So far, only a four-page summary of the report is made to the members of Congress from the Minister of justice, however, accessible. Only the deputies know that Mueller has found no evidence that Trump, or him have worked together to persons closely associated with the Russian government, in order to win the US election in 2016. And just out of Barr’s four pages droughts, you know that Mueller apparently saw neither able to relieve Trump from accusations of obstruction of Justice, nor to describe it in the case of clearly guilty.

that decision has left Mueller to the Minister of justice. Decided to be expected, as little else was – along with his Deputy, Rod Rosenstein, that you will not proceed in view of the facts against Trump.

With the Ultimatum of the dispute the report has failed for the Democrats a maximum of disappointing escalated. Many had hoped that Mueller-duty something would end against Trump. In the election campaign of 2016, there had been too many secret meetings between the Trump Trusted and Russian officials, too many oddities and clues, which indicated a very close intertwining of the Trump campaign and the Russian government, as the case is now in the air could dissolve.

Mueller, hope the Democrats may not have found the Smoking gun. But in the Depths of his nearly two years of investigative work, there must be other, as yet possibly unknown evidence that support the Theory of the collaboration between Trump and Russia.

Trump, who did not get to the media Mueller’s paper self-report, has said nothing, however, that the Mueller report goes to the Congress. “I wouldn’t bother,” he said on Monday. However, it should be a matter for the Minister for justice to decide.

Trump is already in the process, the tables turn. He feels Mueller completely washed clean and is now demanding that investigations against those set in motion, which would have triggered the investigations against him.

Who does he mean by that, says Trump. Again and again, but he has made in the past, the Democrats for the investigations to be responsible. What is not true. Special investigator Mueller, for example, was set up in may 2017 by the Deputy Minister of justice, Rosenstein, after Trump, FBI Director James Comey has fired. Rosenstein, a Republican, has been nominated by Trump for the office.

Comeys out throw was also the reason why its successor, the then-reigning (and Trump used) FBI chief Andrew McCabe, the investigations on suspicion of obstruction of Justice has expanded. And that Trumps campaign Mueller was extensively studied, had to do something with the more than 100 secret Meetings with people, at least good contacts in Russian government circles.

Trump said but, once again, to the victims. “You have done so many evil things,” he said. To appoint again without, whom exactly he means by that. “That was a false Narrative, it was a terrible thing. We can not allow such a thing to happen, even to a President.”

Barr could pass on the report – strong

Barr revised does not seem to be averse to make at least parts of the Mueller report to the Congress accessible. However, probably only in an editorial strongly revised version. And not before he has spoken with Mueller with the deal, reports Familiar.

the deadline to 2. April will comply with it, is questionable. In other cases, it took months until the Congress were made after the conclusion of the investigation reasonably substantial reports accessible. Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, who chairs the judiciary Committee of the Senate, hopes that the Mueller report “will be less than months and not longer than a few weeks”.

If the justice Department keeps their own rules, then the Democrats will not be able to be with the revised form of the Mueller report. These rules say that an investigation of persons, nothing to the public may, if no indictment is filed. In the case of Trump and his environment, it is now safe to no charges in the Russia affair. Therefore, are likely to find yourself in a revised report nothing to Trump.

Many questions remain

Many questions remain unanswered: Why didn’t Mueller Trump questioned in Person? What are the written answers given by Trump to Mueller’s questions? Why didn’t Mueller referred so clearly to the fact that the report Trump “relieved”, with regard to the suspicion of obstruction of Justice? What is Mueller the secret meeting between Trump Trusted and Russian Official?

The Democrats suspect that something is to be hushed up. And Barr hold for Trumps faithful helper in the matter. Alone, that Barr has decided together with Rosenstein, to judge by Mueller presented evidence as not sufficient for the Democrats to be suspicious. The Democrats want to keep him for at least a hearing in front of the Congress to the speech.

you are in doubt in any case to Barr’s independence. Barr’s nomination is to be confirmed only a few weeks ago by the Senate, rarely, just with a 54 to 45 vote. Only three of the more conservative Democrats gave him their votes. Barr had expressed in the past critical of the Mueller investigation. Critics believe that Barr because of his Ministerial Job.

The Democrats are now in the process of trying to figure out how Barr is not biased, has made the decision to follow Trump for obstruction of Justice. And why he made the decision so quickly, and especially without being asked.

From the Ministry of justice is, however, reported that Mueller is already on 5. March Barr has informed in the matter of obstruction of Justice is no clear statement to make. The have given Barr and Rosenstein enough time to prepare the decision.

In the room is also available to download Mueller himself in front of Congress. At first glance, a clever move: If Barr is not enough for the Mueller report to Congress, Mueller self to explain what is in it. However, there is a Problem: It is the responsibility of completely to the Minister of justice, to decide the extent to which Mueller must be in front of Congress to the matter. The might condemn Mueller, about, not, as in Barr’s four-page summary.

In the case would result in a hearing by Mueller little to no sense. The Democrats have once again in the Hand as a colorful bouquet of suspicions.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 26.03.2019, 11:54 PM