More than 60 fighters of the terrorist militia Al-Shabaab have been killed in air strikes by the US military. For years, American forces are trying to extremists in Somalia to push back.

U.S. forces have killed according to their own information in more air at least 62 fighters of the terrorist militia Al-attacks in Somalia, al-Shabaab. The American military speaks of six attacks.

In four bombing South of the capital, Mogadishu, to cost have been killed on Saturday, 34 fighters, two air strikes on Sunday in the same Region, according to US data 28-wing extremists to life. The U.S. military reported that no civilians had been injured or killed.

the fight against terrorist organization

The Africa command of the US armed forces supporting the Somali government in the fight against the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab. The Sunni fundamentalists are allied with Al Qaeda. In the unstable Region of the Horn of Africa, the extremists have been trying for years to gain the supremacy.

in 2018, led by the U.S. military, dozens of air strikes in Somalia, the terrorist back from the Region, but so far without success: In November, the extremist militia Al-Shabaab carried out a suicide attack with 39 Victims in the capital, Mogadishu.

The situation in the East African country is unstable, since then, the Somali dictator Mohammed Siad Barre was overthrown at the beginning of the 1990s.