ascends While the political opponents of big guns and even an impeachment brings to the game, U.S. President Donald Trump, according to a new guiding Hand for the White house. Trump had announced that his former chief of staff, General John Kelly, is the year at the end of his Post. On Sunday, the favorite for the succession, Nick Ayers, said then he was for the task.

“I’m just going to have conversations with some really good people for the Position of chief of staff in the White house,” wrote Trump on Sunday after the Declaration of Ayers on Twitter. He described it as a “Fake News” that Ayers had been as Kelly’s successor. A decision he’ll announce soon, wrote Trump.

The staff debate follows on the revelations and serious allegations against the President. In the investigation against trump’s former attorney and puppet master, Michael Cohen came out that the prosecution could make in New York Trump for crimes responsible. This is the hush money payment to the former Porn actress Stormy Daniels. The money had been paid out by Cohen, the investigators see it as an illegal campaign help.

If Trump knew of it, of which the state’s lawyers, could also have it made a criminal offence. The democratic Deputy Adam Schiff said on Sunday, Trump could be the first President in a long time, the need to after his term in prison.

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Comey order: “Jaded to the lies of the President”

The former, of Trump’s spectacular redundant, FBI Director James Comey had in a hearing before Congress serious allegations against Trump committees formulated. “I think we are all jaded to a certain degree, against the lies and attacks of the President on the rule of law, and that is something we must never dull.”

Comey had spoken in the hearing of the “four Americans” in connection with Trump, which would have been in July of 2016, is suspected to have a Russian intervention in the U.S. presidential election, promoted. After the Pashacasino 29. July 2016, have given rise to the presumption that some Americans had helped the Russians, said Comey. His six-minute appearance but did not have any big news. Trump hit back then, and Comey accused via Twitter of serious lies.

In Russia the investigation was trump’s Ex-lawyer Cohen, investigators lied to and to have contacts to Russia not given. Special investigator Robert Mueller gave trump’s former “man for all cases”, with him, to cooperate and to have “important information” is delivered, which coincide with those from other sources. This was seen in Washington as a good Omen for Trump. The “Washington Post” found out on Sunday that his campaign camp had strikingly often do with people with a Russian passport – which had been suppressed for a long time.

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Russia-investigations, chaos days at the White house

Juliane Schäuble

Trump even the publication of the papers evaluated as an advantage. “Washing the President’s completely pure,” he wrote on Twitter. His spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, said that the documents in the case, Cohen would not be anything of value that was already known. “Mr Cohen has repeatedly lied to you,” she said. The prosecution had referred to the fact that Cohen was “not a Hero”. (dpa)