The United States has started the withdrawal of their troops from Syria. It reports the White House. There they fought together with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS). The American troops seemed earlier today not to be aware since they have a statement shared in which they write that they fight against IS continue.

The decision to allow American troops to withdraw comes from president Trump. Who thinks that the goal is reached: IS was turned off. That he shared via Twitter. “We have in Syria is defeated, my only reason to be there during the Trump presidency.”

also Read Syrian forces take last stronghold in

“We started with the American soldiers back home to pick up because we are now in the next phase of the operation have landed”, it sounds in a press release that was distributed by White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders. “The US have the territorial caliphate defeated. This does not mean, however, that the global coalition in the fight against IS or her campaign is shut down. The united states and our allies are ready to take on all of the surfaces again to come to the Us interests to defend, if necessary,” emphasized Sanders.

A spokesman of the Us ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday: “The job is not yet behind the back”. There is, however, considerable progress has been made. The U.S. maintained close contact with Turkey.

The decision of president Trump to military to withdraw fully to is extremely short sighted and naive.

Charles Lister, the Middle East Institute Washington,

“U.s. army set to battle on”

The message of Trump is contrary to the press release that the U.s. army today message. Therein they explain that they fight against continue to the peace and stability in Syria to ensure as well as to the homeland against the terrorist threat to protect.

“Droomscenario, Russia and Iran”

From within the ranks came immediately after the publication of the news massive criticism. “Really? “ wrote the Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger on Twitter. “Iran celebrates all party”.

“Withdrawal from Syria is an Obama-like error. IS is not defeated”, tweette Republican senator Lindsey Graham. According to senator Marco Rubio (Republican) is the decision a “serious mistake that has greater implications than only the fight against IS”.

from Great Britain sounds criticism. “The American president Donald Trump has no right when he says that the terrorist organisation Islamic State in Syria is defeated. I strongly disagree with the view of Trump, ‘ says British Defence minister Tobias Ellwood in a response to the American decision.

According to Syria expert Charles Lister is the decision of Trump a “droomscenario”, not only for, but also for Russia, Iran, and the government of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. “Although it’s not a complete surprise, it is the decision of president Trump to the military field, completely withdraw, are extremely short-sighted and naïve”, writes Lister, director for counter-terrorism at the Middle East Institute in Washington, in a statement.

Training Syrian oppositietroepen

The U.S. stand at the head of an international coalition that is fighting against the terrorist IS militia in Syria. Their main ally in the country, the Kurdish YPG militias, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to plead. The Kurdish fighters golden a long time as one of the few for the West, reliable ground troops in Syria. In Syria itself the USA about around 2,000 soldiers, who are officially to the Syrian oppositietroepen to lead and advise.

The SDF forces have a large part of the former territory IS retaken, and remain in the east of the country the jihadists on the grain. For weeks, there is near the border with neighboring Iraq fought around one of the last-bastions in Syria. The US supported the SDF troops with air strikes. Experts assume, however, still assume that thousands of IS fighters in Syria, including in the hard-to-reach desert areas. -Cells are concentrated on attacks.

Observers warn, therefore, for which IS has not yet been defeated.

Assad satisfied

The withdrawal of the American troops would be Syrian president Assad already happy voices. The influence and interference of the US would shrink. The troops continue to be present in Iraq so they can still intervene in Syria, but only if that hoogstnoodzakelijk.

Turkish intervention against YPG

With the withdrawal of the American troops, paved the way for a new military offensive by Turkey. The government in Ankara is threatening for quite some time with a new intervention against the YPG. Only last week, it announced that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan an offensive. According to Erdogan wants Turkey to be operational to the people there “of the separatist terrorist organisation YPG to save”. Trump last week a phone call with the Turkish president Erdogan with whom he made the withdrawal of American troops discussed.

The USA being however, when a new military offensive by Turkey against Kurdish forces firmly in the hand. “A unilateral military offensive in the northeast of Syria along any side is very precarious, because there are American troops may be present”, said a spokesman for the Pentagon. Moreover, American troops in the north of Syria observatories built.

“Hostile YPG”

Turkey considers the YPG as a branch of the banned Kurdish Arbeidspartij PKK and therefore an enemy. Already in the spring had Turkish troops and “friendly rebels” in the north-west of Syria, the region around the town of Afrin on the Kurds conquered.

The Kurds have in the north and east of Syria, self-government is established. They have a tense relationship with the Syrian government. Damascus rejects the efforts of the Kurds for more autonomy of the hand and clings to its sovereignty. Recently, there were still conservative toenaderingspogingen between the two parties. That would be more solid can be, once the American troops completely from the country have disappeared. When the Turkish attack on Afrin in the spring, sent the Syrian government, symbolically troops to the Kurds to help.