The Oil is Iran’s main source of income. They want to leave the United States dry up. From the 2. May need to in China expect the five States with the US sanctions, if they continue to buy Oil in Iran, for example, and India.

The U.S. government is increasing pressure on Iran: The White house announced that, as of the 2. To allow the may Ölsanktionen exceptions. Last November, the United States had taken announced punitive measures against the States, the Iran to import Oil, but at the same time, exemptions for eight States.

Italy, Greece, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Turkey should be given time to seek other suppliers. Italy, Greece, and Taiwan have managed to do in the meantime, the other five States had sought to have the exceptions extend.

“The most important source of income”

US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo stressed that the aim was to deprive the Iranian leadership of the income from Oil sales, and Tehran, so stop to support terrorist groups financially and to the destabilization of the Middle East. “Up to 40 percent of the revenue of the regime come from the sale of Oil,” he said. “This is the most important source of income.”

insured The White house, as well as Pompeo, the US government have intensively spoken with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other major oil producers on an adequate supply of the oil market. The eight countries for which there have been exceptions, would be supported in their Oil to other suppliers.

consent of Saudi Arabia, criticism from China

Saudi Arabia wants to ensure the supply of Oil, Minister of energy, al-Falih.

Saudi Arabia announced, for a stability in the Oil market and observe the price development now. The Kingdom will coordinate with the other producer countries, in order to ensure sufficient Oil, energy Minister Khalid al-Falih.

A spokesman for the Chinese foreign Ministry stressed that the people’s Republic of backrest US sanctions against Iran. The Chinese cooperation with Iran is in breach of any laws.

Trump wants another nuclear deal

Trump had quit the international nuclear agreement with Iran last year, and imposed new sanctions. He wants to force the government in Tehran to renegotiate a much more stringent agreement. The EU wants to hold on to the nuclear agreement that was negotiated by Germany.

the nuclear dispute with Iran: Tough sanctions and defiant words, 05.11.2018 OPEC Meeting: Oil production is to be expanded, 22.06.2018 Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.

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