43 per cent of finns would make vaccination compulsory. It is news in Finnish from gallup.Sanctions or incentives? Party positions between differences in it, which were perceived better option as vaccine coverage increased. JARNO RIGHT

news of the Finnish recent survey told that every fourth respondent believes that vaccination should be directed to, for example, by removing the vaccine evening the child from the child benefit or the day care law.

one-Fifth of the respondents would support vaccination by economic incentives, such as paying the vaccination compensation or by granting extra child additional to the basic vaccination caring for the families.

the Young respondents welcomed the vaccination to the smaller number of compared to older respondents.

18-29-year-olds vaccination duress position was 36% and from 30 to 44 years 35%. In other age groups, the compulsion was worth about half of the respondents.

the respondents of the party position in view of vaccine compulsion to find the most supporters of the coalition party and left alliance voters.

in December, in the gallup millennium the defendant was given various options about what, for example, measles and other dangerous diseases vaccination against the front should be done.