the LAST: the Prosecutor let down the assertion of jail in three years for the mother.

– Is this case unique? Yes, in many ways is the it, said the prosecutor, førstestatsadvokat Arne Ingvald Dymbe, in the start of the procedure.

Ankebehandlingen of the so-called Valdres case, go for the Eidsivating court of appeal in Hamar, norway. The procedure of the prosecutor will later on Monday to carry out in a claim about the punishment the prosecution believes the court should convict the defendant mother.

In the first part of the procedure went to the prosecutor through the health care follow-up of the defendant the woman’s daughter Angelica from her daughter was diagnosed with eating disorders in 2012.

< p> “The crazy doctors” are PRESSED: The accused woman (47) is pushed hard by the prosecutor Arne Ingvald Dymbe in vitneboksen. Dagbladet reporter Ralf Lofstad explains the development. Video: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

Among other things, showed førstestatsadvokaten to the letter that is found on the defendant mother’s PC.

“I’ve done everything for you to have it good, and taken over the treatment themselves,” writes the mother, who refers to the “crazy doctors” at Drammen hospital, where her daughter a period of time got the treatment.

– She takes so, so she writes, responsibility for treatment themselves, pointed out the prosecutor Dymbe.

In a letter purporting the mother and the daughter a treatment with tvangsfôring and the use of straps that option if she gets admitted.

the Prosecutor pointed out that the biggest problem perhaps is that the mother took strong control over what happens with her daughter in the health care sector.

– the Defendant is so close – and have a right to it – so that Angelica almost never release. The defendant has given the guidelines all the time, he continued.

the Mother not in the courtroom

his Mother was in rettsbygningen during the procedure, but not in the saddle where the case goes. She has the opportunity to follow the action, from an adjoining room.

Angelica (13) was found dead in a cabin in Valdres 31. December 2015. The autopsy showed that she died of avmagring – possibly in combination with hypothermia. The mother is prosecuted for gross abuse.

In the Valdres district court – for the occasion sat on the Gjøvik – told the prosecutor that the mother had to be sentenced to four years imprisonment of which one year conditional. The court sentenced her to prison for three years. She has not acknowledged straffskyld.

Woman’s defenders have constantly claimed that she never should have been prosecuted in the case.

The defendant mother (47) refuse for gross abuse and neglect