the Driver of a red Golf has been remanded by the Court in Glostrup, after a car chase ended in a y Monday afternoon.

It informs, Copenhagen is Ranked the Police in a press release.

‘It is completely unacceptable that the citizens must risk losing life or førligheden, because a person grossly neglects both færdselslovens rules and consideration for others, so I am satisfied that the court has chosen to follow the prosecution and the varetægtsfængsle suspect’, says senior prosecutor, Danni Richter Larsen in a press release.

the Man was arrested after he had attempted to run from several patrol cars around the Tårnvej, Roskildevej, Rødovre Parkvej and Damhussøen in Rødovre, outside Copenhagen.

– At 16.54 is that one of our patrols, which sees the red VW Golf, as they try to wave the into to ago. He will not, and therefore eftersætter the said vagtchef Thomas Christensen on Monday afternoon to Ekstra Bladet.

The 41-year-old man is suspected to bring at least two citizens ‘ lives or physical abilities in danger, to have driven against the traffic moves, running a red light four times and to have been driving on the bike lanes.

Also, was the car he drove in, stolen, and he is suspected to run narkokørsel.

He ran a red light, and if there are other issues where he either has been close to cut off a cyclist, run a wing mirror, or if people have had to dodge, we would like to hear about it, so we can use it against the person arrested, it said on Monday afternoon from vagtchef Thomas Christensen.

on Tuesday seeking police are still witnesses to the incident. You can contact Copenhagen is Ranked the Police on 43 86 14 48.