After a Thursday with the changing weather, some parts of Denmark hit by a decidedly varmebrag, when the hot air draws up of Zealand and several places will give sommertendenser with delicious 23 degrees.

– It gets really hot on Friday, it sounds promising judgment from Klaus Larsen, the duty officer at DMI, en Ekstra Bladet talk with him Thursday.

– That pulls warm air up over Zealand. and especially the central Zealand can get right up on the here 23 degrees, sounds.

Klaus Larsen calls it ‘very warm’ for the season, and the reason for the varmebraget is a warm air from the southeast, flowing up over Denmark in the course of Friday.

the Sun and the summer on Zealand Friday. Photo: Jens Dresling

from there, it is, however, an abrupt decline to more normal forårstemperaturer. And the extremely dry period will also be replaced by the slightly more precipitation.

Here are the funen and jutland farmers, who can rejoice to get water to the dry fields. Sjællænderne on the other hand, look far after rainfall.

– The next week we are going to experience temperatures below 20 degrees. Individual sites are only up to between 13 and 17 degrees.

We need up to 25 degrees to achieve a summer day, so the whole summer, it is not. Last year we had the first day of summer 19. april, which was the earliest summer since 1964. And for the first time since 2007, to april reached a summer day.

looking Back at The wildest weather: sub-zero temperatures in July!

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Community – 24. apr. 2019 – at. 09:03 the Joker to battle against plastic bags