Gent is A ‘pink’ mass of 200 residents and supporters gathered Friday evening at the playground of the Rozebroeken. They performed a playful protest against the closure of the outdoor accommodation of the sports complex.

two Hundred pink skirts and trousers gathered at the back of the swimming pool Rozebroeken. Advance was the emphasis on a peaceful and serene action, and in that intent, the neighborhood as well. So the event ended with the classic ‘Merry friends’.

There were some notable appearances such as Dear Wilson, who, with a sign pleading for ‘solution-focused bath ducks’ for the ‘neighbour’, visitors and for Lago (the operator of the swimming pool complex). “Together, we can a lot of. We protest here today appealing against the absurdity of the bureaucracy. Within an increasingly polarized society, errors in gewestplannen must be secondary to the consistency between people.”

Melina took out her skates from stable. “I came here on the terrace, sitting or walking. My dog I may not within. I love the peace that prevails here, and hope that the situation quickly back to the old.”