Deurne Bakery Gijbels in Deurne on Thursday in broad daylight robberies. A man with a motorcycle helmet on the head, jumped over the counter and threatened the bakkersdochter with a revolver. With the contents of the cash register, he struck the back on a white scooter on the flight. The robber and his companion have disappeared.
The sandwiches, rolls and pastries, go to Friday, goes on counter in bakery Gijbels, on the corner of the the August of the Wielelei and the Ivan Maquinaylei in Deurne. Yet most S. and her daughter, a young woman in her mid-twenties, slightly uncomfortable. They are still recovering from yesterday.
S. already to house, helped the daughter of the customers Thursday afternoon alone. Around half past 3, stopped a white scooter with two men at the bakery. While one suspect the door had opened, rushed a second man with a motorcycle helmet on the head. The robber showed a gun and threatened the bakkersdochter. Then he jumped behind the counter and forced the victim to the cash register empty. After the robbery, fled the duo with the scooter way in the direction of the Cogelsplein.
“It happens around here more often a robbery”, responds the daughter, the day after the facts. “If you’re about to hear tell, you think: if it happens to others, I will however defend. I can see my little man. But if it really happens, and there is someone with a gun in front of your nose, then you stand perplexed. It was only when the robber just out of was, am I in action shot, and yet to the outside walked. But yes, a moped leg, of course, you never. Thursday night I’m here in the neighborhood driving around, looking for the men. Without result of course.”