Poperinge In the rural Meiboomstraat is Sunday morning in the early hours a fire broke out in a detached shed behind a house. Great was the astonishment of the firemen when they put out a professionally-developed cannabisplantage found. The occupant of the house and her daughter were arrested for questioning but later released.
The fire was something for 4 hours noticed. “When we arrived, saw our people right away that it is a big fire went”, says Kristof Louagie, spokesman of the fire zone Westhoek. “The senior officer decided immediately to put in additional tankers to call to fire the boss. The fire was quickly under control, but the damage is great. A large part of the roof is destroyed and also within the fire ugly wreaked havoc. Three sheep died. Two animals died in the shed. A third sheep we were able to evacuate, but the animal died shortly afterwards. Because there in the warehouse a stock of hay and straw was stored, had our people for some time to remain at the scene to put everything neatly and carefully to extinguish to recrudescence to avoid.”
200 cannabispotten in professionally fitted plantation
When the fire extinguishers, first hindered by the dense smoke, and finally the mountain began to get at the contents of the warehouse, thought they are in the tv-series ‘home-grown’. A part of the warehouse, turned out professionally designed as cannabisplantage. There were close to 200 pots, according to the public prosecutor’s office without plants. Research must now make clear whether previously planted and harvested. It is also not certain that the inhabitants of the house that is on the same plot is something to do with the plantation. In the house, nobody was present when the fire broke out. The police phoned the woman, who of her time at sea to Poperinge returned. The woman was taken for questioning, just as her daughter. After interrogation they were allowed again. That would be to point out that mother and daughter were not aware of what is in the old warehouse took place.