Ostend For the coast of Ostend is today a humpback whale is spotted. The animal allowed itself to briefly show it to the crew of the research vessel Simon Stevin, the Flemish Institute for the Sea (VLIZ), about 15 miles off the coast of Mariakerke.

According to Jan Seys of the VLIZ is a remarkable observation. “For the year 2000 are humpback whales almost never observed in the North sea. Since then, there are already a few popped up. It was already a while ago,” says Jan Seys. Possibly going to be one of the two humpback whales in december for the coast of the Netherlands were spotted. “The animals were healthy and made spectacular leaps from the water. Since 10 January, they are no longer seen, so it is not illogical that they southern are fair. To know for sure that it is one of those humpback whales, we have the footage to further studying in detail”, says Jan Seys.

The animal life in the winter months in more southern parts of the Atlantic ocean as the bay of Biscay, or even West Africa. “In the summer they move to the north Pole because of the many food. Perhaps the humpback whale during its transit to the south, the exit to the North sea taken. It Was a sperm whale, this was probably the end because the North sea is not deep enough. Humpback whales have not suffer from this, so it may be that, in this instance the here are sense”, says Jan Seys. A humpback whale is a marine mammal that is up to 16 metres long and 30 tonnes heavy can weigh.