With Christmas fast approaching, the French are starting to look for their gifts and adjust their budgets accordingly. As shown by an Ifop survey for Dons Solidaires, published this Thursday, this period can be a source of anxiety and apprehension. Despite its relative decline, inflation still weighs on the portfolios of the French. According to this survey, 37% of them fear not being able to give gifts until the end of December. A figure that has increased significantly since 2021 (30% in 2021 and 34% in 2022). Consequence: 54% of French people are already planning a smaller budget than in previous years. By mirror effect, 11% of respondents are afraid of receiving no or few gifts.
Concerning parents, a majority will, to get on point, give gifts smaller than they would like, deprive themselves of other purchases or buy second-hand items. On this point, 67% of French people who intend to buy second hand do so because it is less expensive. Only 32% do so for ecological reasons. A third of families will therefore favor useful gifts, and will limit other budget items, such as vacations or leisure activities.
The rise in prices may well be slowing down, to 4.2% in October, according to INSEE figures, 95% of French people consider that inflation is a cause for concern (61% a lot, 34% a little). More worrying signals relating to purchasing power: 45% that they could fall into poverty, 57% of French people often tell themselves that they will not be able to finish the month. In other words: if 66% of French people see the Christmas holidays as a “joyful” time, a third of them see this moment as “worrying”.