MMA+ FÖLJVidriga scenes: ”Looks like a horror movie”This gushes the blood of MMA-fajtern: ”Totally sick” SPORTBLADET

Afraid of blood?

Look away.

MMA-fajtern Alex Oliveira was completely shattered in a game against the icelandic Gunnar Nelson on Saturday.

MMA fans are accustomed to seeing blood.

But the question is if not even the most tough looked away when the brazilian artist Alex Oliveira, 30, met the icelandic Gunnar Nelson, 30, in Toronto on Saturday.

Four minutes into the second round, got Nelson down his rival on the floor and did not stop beating until the referee stopped the match.

”Fully sick”

Then bathed brasse in the blood with an open wound on his forehead.

”this may be the most bloody end in MMA’s history,” writes Sportbible, which describes how the audience ”looked on in shock”. Oslobet

– It looks like a horror movie, ” says one of the commentators in the broadcast.

Also on social media streamed the reactions.

”oh my God, Alex Oliveira, DELICIOUS BLOOD,” writes a user on Twitter.

”Ended up as I thought”

”Fully sick end,” writes another.

Gunnar Nelson?

He talked mostly about how confident he was to win.

– It ended as I thought. I think he got into some kind in the back of his mind, he made me a little dizzy. I tried to survive, but I managed to complete the job, ” says the icelander according to the site

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