As Mattea Meyer, national councillor and Co-President of the Winterthur SP, checked-in late in the evening, your E-Mails, she learned only half the truth, but this had it all: Chantal Galladé leaves the SP. The party you supported in the past 25 years, in many a campaign, has allowed her a career as a professional politician. “For the party, it is a disappointment. For the Voters misleading,” says Meyer. That Galladé changes to the GLP, not shared with your Gschpänli. The learned this from the media.

last summer Galladé was as a SP-school care President in Winterthur select. Galladé had been criticised in December by the SP public, via a “narrow ideology” and “low tolerance” complained. A conversation with her had come, despite the efforts of the party leadership, but never materialized, says Mattea Meyer. To be adopted after their resignation from the national Council, it never came, three dates would not fit Galladé, as several reports from the SP Winterthur.

Galladé is not the first prominent politician who leaves your party. Video: Marisa Eggli, daily Gazette

Why a substitution of a party by someone, the policy is only in the local active triggers, such an Echo? “Chantal Galladé hits a nerve,” says political geographer Michael Hermann. They show a path that could go to other, both the voters and the politicians.

Galladés exchange, Hermann, create confidence in the GLP for people who are no longer at the SP satisfied. Galladé show as “the Intrepid, the daring, although others might not have ever thought about”.

According to Michael Hermann is the GLP is now the second Generation at the plant. The party had opened up, modernized, and show less fear of contact to the left and to the right. “The GLP is now a progressive centre party.”

Jositsch was required for the tool

SP-councillor Daniel Jositsch was a close Confidant of Hans Wyss, Director of one of the very few who were informed about things in advance about the party change. “On the coming elections, this change has no influence,” he is convinced. “For such personal Decisions, there is never a good and a bad time, especially in the autumn elections.”

He had come Galladé, to communicate their decision as soon as possible – “something in the political scene at most hours or days under the lid.”

The substantive points of criticism of Galladé on the SP can Jositsch “fully share”. He has worked with Galladé in the reform platform. “In my Position,” he says, “I try to edit the theme within the party, of the institutions and not outside of it.” Jositsch’s – as well as Galladé, especially to the framework agreement with the EU, and a reliable economic policy of the SP.

bad time

it was a Particularly emotional Galladés Coup is in the Winterthur SP discussed. What is bumping all pissed off: her exit coincides exactly with the Sending of election documents for the cantonal elections of 24. March together. More stupid – or perhaps smart, too calculating – could have been elected the right time for it. In addition, the SP Winterthur is missing in the future, also a medium four-figure amount, the Galladé according to their net income in the party needs to deliver.

The Winterthur Co-President Felix Steger, the Galladé had already visited as a student in the Federal house, is “personally very disappointed and surprised”. From the Crossing he had learned from the media.

Frustrating the outlet but especially for the members of the SP Winterthur, which would have distributed for Chantal over the years, thousands of flyers. “First, we have engaged us for Chantal, in order to be voted into office as school President.”

gets the SP Winterthur your fat. Raphael Perroulaz from the FDP blasphemes on Facebook: “The SP forgets that she has also benefited greatly from Galladé. Me the impression of an ideological sect is not letting go.”

doubts about the Benefit for GLP

Chantal Galladé yourself claimed in the TA Interview, you would have it as a school President, also without the SP support made. In the party you can see the different. Other party members had renounced in favor of Galladé, and in the case of a battle of choice against the SP, it wouldn’t have made Galladé even on the official nomination. Co-President Steger doubted whether the change of the GLP benefits. “Many voters would not appreciate such a party.”

While many of the big names in the SP of the incumbent government councils up to former party President – not publicly want to Express, the former SP General Secretary and certain day Regula Götsch no sheet before the mouth. “Kotz,” she commented late at night on Facebook the party exchange. It was “sad”, what Galladé pull, “a Veräppelung of all the people who fight in election for them,” says Götsch on demand. Galladé have had many years of “well-lived from the work of the party, and now you can win a brand at the end of the school President’s Job.”

specious Argument

Clearly Matthias Erzinger, SP-a Board member of the SP Töss, who was engaged specifically for Galladés school President election. “We are assumed to be in talks with Chantal that she remains in the party and to its national Council time and again close with the Ortspartei working together. By the substitution of a party, we feel betrayed and can not trust the new school President.” According to Erzinger noticed Galladé in the SP never with her involvement in European politics. Now the framework agreement with the EU is obviously the main argument for switching to GLP. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 27.02.2019, 17:20 PM