The chinese telegiganten Huawei is banned in the united STATES and the sincerity in the whole of the western world. The latter is with good reason, believes the austrian Harvard researcher Valentin Weber, who is an expert on cyber security.

China’s censorship, intelligence and surveillance does not stop at the chinese border. To conduct espionage through companies such as Huawei, are much easier for the chinese, ” says Weber of the Newspaper.

the PST warns against Huawei Huawei-fear

When the Newspaper interviewed him Wednesday, he was in Norway to attend a seminar at the research institute NUPI in Oslo. Where lectured the young researcher of the tape between China’s government and chinese technology companies like Huawei.

CYBEREKSPERT: Valentin Weber. Photo: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen / Dagbladet Show more

he did two days after that the PST-chief Benedicte Bjørnland went out and warned against the use of Huawei in the development of the Norwegian 5G-online. The PST is concerned, is that China should be able to get access to the information that flows over the coming telecommunications network.

Kryptologer and security experts are also worried that it may be built into the “off”-buttons into the infrastructure, which provides the person with control of the switch the opportunity to turn it off in an instant.

Huawei in Norway, trying at the same time frantically to convince the Norwegian decision-makers that their products are safe, and should – in åpenhetens name – build a testing center in Norway. Should third parties be able to get the test equipment to potential Huawei customers, to reassure them.

Therefore, PST Huawei-fear Asking for changes

But testsentre is not enough, think Harvard researcher Weber. He believes that the only way Huawei could build trust in the West is through deep and lasting change in the company.

– the West must set the requirements. Huawei is going to have to separate the company into a chinese part and a foreign part, and do the foreign part independent of the chinese. They should establish independent boardroom, and attempt to attract western members of the board and western investors, ” says Weber.

It is China’s etterretningslov of 2017 which makes this necessary, the opinion of the researcher. The law requires that the persons, companies and others need to cooperate with the intelligence, if the intelligence services found it useful. The text of which also says that cooperation must be kept secret.

Huawei in the Uk has previously faced the Newspaper denied that this act itself apply to the foreign parts of the company, and leans on the reviews they have received from the british and chinese advokatbyråer.

But the word is also not good enough, believes Weber.

Langer out against the PST report: – Ridiculous Should examine more the

In combination with a change of Huaweis corporate structure, the mean Weber also that the western countries should increase their research of the products, before they are taken in use. So among other british and american authorities have the competence to do.

the Question then becomes whether such countries have the resources – and not least the competence to carry out surveys that are laborious enough. The austrian Weber air vent, therefore, the idea of a intereuropeisk cooperation in this area, in order to save costs and collect enough expertise.

Currently, nor has Huawei given some signals that indicate that they would have been open to change the company set-up.

– What should Norway do?

Norway should ask Huawei to take confident action quickly, and if they are not coming or happening quickly enough, it should not equipment from Huawei is used.

To reject telegiganten spy charges: – Not a thread of evidence Dagbladet Plus Critical report

In the Norwegian 4G network today, is the infrastructure from Huawei. The same it is in the Uk, which is in the same position as Norway. They are considering to ban China from to help in the development of the upcoming 5G network, but not they have taken any decision.

In the Uk, the security agencies also felt that they have had good control of the Huawei components in the 4G-net.

Partly because they have isolated the Huawei products. It will say that they have a few products from Huawei, Ericsson and some from other manufacturers. In addition, the authorities subject to the GCHQ done research of the components, ” says Weber.

And for many years had not GCHQ, the Uk’s signaletterretning, something to procrastinate on Huawei products. That changed last year when a report, signed by, among others, GCHQ, said that Huawei products posed a potential security risk.

They pointed to two things:

That the software behaved differently under different conditions and environments.That they used third-party technology.

Authorities asked Huawei to make changes.

But Huawei has not corrected the problems the report pointed out, and made the british desperate, and worried, ” says Weber.

Say “ni hao” to a threat we must take seriously, and Comment