Turnhout, On the campus of the Holy Sepulchre Institute in Turnhout have the VOICE pupils of the fifth and sixth secondary a weather station of the university of Ghent installed. It is the first in a network of fifty stations on Flemish and Brussels schools. “Together with the students, we want the results with the other weather stations in Flanders compared”, says leerkrachte Sofie Tielen.

It was a special first for the Holy Sepulchre Institute. By the end of this year, the researchers of Ghent university establish a network of 50 identical weather stations at schools in Flanders and Brussels to investigate the impact of an environment on the weather conditions. The secondary school in Turnhout if Monday the striker yards of the Butterfly (Flanders)-project.

“The aim of this project fits in the curriculum for VOICE and geography. By the results of the weather station to analyze our students the theory into practice”, says leerkrachte Sofie Tielen.