Linda Noor is the managing director of Minotenk, which works with issues related to the multicultural Norway, and to contribute to increased knowledge, understanding, and tolerance.

She is even residing in the district of Søndre Nordstrand, one of the areas with the highest proportion of immigrants in Oslo and Norway. Previously she resided in the district of Old Oslo, which also has a high innvandrerandel.

Switch the alarm about the new Oslo-number:
– A totally segregated city in

Therefore, it was natural for Linda Noor to write about the challenges related to staying in the district after the Newspaper Saturday published figures showing how the proportion of immigrants increases greatly in Søndre Nordstrand and in the he lived for.

– support services overloaded

In the post in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen writes Songs that Oslo should have a pause in immigration “for the children’s sake”. Noor is worried about a further segregation of the capital.

It was natural to write about it because I burn for good integration and work with it in Minotenk. Integration is our core business and the integration is not optimum in the areas I write about, ” says Linda Noor to the Newspaper.

– What is it that is not optimal?

– It is too large, press. All the support services that will assist the integration goes well, are so overloaded that they don’t get followed up those who need help. Consequences is dropout from school, assistance for recruitment to youth crime and gangs, substance abuse and more. It is an accumulation of socio-economic challenges, affecting kindergartens and schools, which get a lot of challenges in the same class or the same kindergarten. It goes out over the rights and needs of each individual child, ” says Linda Noor.

In the situation Linda Noor experience in their neighborhood, she draws forth that it is crucial that the kindergartens and the schools have enough resources and competent staff to follow up.

– Not all will be able to Norwegian

– unfortunately, It is not the case. There are many that makes a grand gesture, but we also see that competent people disappear once they get a job somewhere else. It is a thankless job, when no resources are present, and a large burden to bear if one feels one does not get followed up those who do it well enough or at all, ” says Minotenk-leader.

Not acceptable

the Government has decided that refugees should not be will be transferred in areas with more than 30 per cent proportion of immigrants. In Oslo applies it to the four districts he lived for, Old Oslo and where Linda Noor lives, Søndre Nordstrand.

Oslo, norway-the city council has still chosen to settle refugees in these areas, and shows that they know best how to ensure good integration.

don’t Realize yesterday Raymond Johansen seriousness?

Obviously not, since Oslo is still to settle refugees in the most deprived areas. Even when they defy the government’s new guidelines. I am afraid that it is a political positioning.

Shaking her head of Fp-numbers

This is a development I do not believe are justifiable, especially for the young. It is the children that goes above and beyond. Get a child an unfortunate start in life, it can be applied to irreparable damage on their chances later in life. It is not just Raymond Johansen that has a lot to go on here, those who criticize are from a party that sits in government, ” says Noor with reference to the progress party, which also asks about the position of Oslo.

– the Majority språkutfordringer

by the directorate of integration and diversity asks Oslo to settle 250 refugees in 2019. More than one of the five to will be transferred in the areas the government believes has high innvandrerandel.

How have you noticed the challenges with the fact that many children do not speak good enough English?

It is clear it affects the klassesituasjonen. When many start school without having gone to a kindergarten, and they are not prepared when they start school, will be the challenge, extra large. These are areas that already have socio-economic challenges. They are exacerbated when the majority has different levels of språkutfordringer.

There are large classes and few teachers, which makes learning opportunities and the environment not being as good as it should be. The children run the risk to be hanging after already in the beginning of the educational process. It is very worrying that it helps to reproduce social differences.

language difficulties in the nursery

– What challenges have you experienced with having children in a district with a high proportion of immigrants?

It is challenging to get the follow-up children need. It can be difficult to explain the things that affect the children in the nursery or the EAR, when the adults are talking for the bad English. Schools, health centers and other agencies are totally dependent on interpreters, and a very good time for communication, there is a lot of press of a place, at the same time.

– Teachers and sosialrådgivere does not have the opportunity to give each follow-up. Child care services are completely open about that they desperately need more people, ” says Noor, who also pulls out examples where recently arrived asylum seekers or refugees are in work experience, but where none of the others who work there also speak good Norwegian.

– It is integreringshemmende.

– The resourceful move the

In the post in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen writes Linda Noor that she has asked himself the question whether it is justifiable towards your own children to be living, if they could have better opportunities elsewhere in or outside of Oslo.

– It is this which ultimately is a decisive factor for whether one moves or gets. One can have different political viewpoints and perspectives on a multicultural society, but there are the practical conditions that will weigh the heaviest. If one experiences that one’s own children do not get the same opportunities as children elsewhere receive, is the decisive factor. There is a constant migration of those without an immigrant background. They are gifted with an immigrant background also moves.

– You want “flyktningsstopp” to Oslo, should the Uk also have it?

– There are many places in Norway that can take in the refugees. Places that need the workplace immigration generates, the children of immigrants and refugees that may prevent the local school is closed. That can blow new life in the districts that are struggling with depopulation. But Oslo should get a break, to take hold of the challenges that already exist.

Threatens Oslo with sanctions Dagbladet Plus

My concern is integration, it has always been. I have always believed that we should not take in more than we are able to integrate. Norway is a small country, and we must always be realistic. I think it is a myth that is prevalent that we, who are positive to a multicultural society, is antirasister and concerned about integration, not also may be concerned that it is reasonable with a restrictive immigration policy.

– Put away partipolitikken

the Numbers Dagbladet published Saturday, shows that there has been a huge demographic change in Oslo since the turn of the millennium. In Oslo now has four of the ten children who are born from immigrant backgrounds, while one of the three has a background from non-western countries.

” We have had a record-high immigration to Norway in the last 15 years. It has got the greatest impact in Oslo, where the demographic changes have been major in the short time. It is completely indisputable. So the question must be concretely what we do with the challenges it brings with it. There are many steps that need to, ” says Linda Noor.

– How is it to agree with Christian Tybring-gjedde and the progress party?

– All people have the right in anything. I disagree with very much else he says, the same he will probably say about me too. But it must be possible to agree about something.

– What is your challenge to the politicians?

” I hope the politicians manage to see past the posisjoneringene and also work with how we are to achieve the promise of these areas. It should be both the political wing take seriously. The right has governed Oslo for a long time before the present coalition council took over in 2015. It is perhaps naive to believe, but it should be possible.

– Everyone should be able to agree with in that we must do everything we can to prevent children from falling off and creating favorable conditions for utenforskap, ” says Linda Noor, general manager of Minotenk.

Immigration is not a sin that can be inherited in three generations Comment