“Warn of a hurricane in the north of Sweden”

“Weather: SMHI go out with the warnings for the weekend.”

“SMHI go out with several warnings for the weekend.”

“In the north of Sweden can the winds reach up to orkanstyka.”

“At the weekend it gets really windy in the northern parts of Sweden and the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute has issued several warnings. The night of Saturday to blow it up, and in addition, it should be snowing in several places.”

“In the mountains of jämtland, where the world CHAMPIONSHIPS in Åre in progress, is a class 1-warning for strong winds with snowfall and poor visibility and drifting snow as a result.”

“Orkanvarning issued”

“The farther north you go, the worse weather is expected. From Västerbotten, sweden and northwards SMHI out with class 2 warnings. The very struggle most, it will be in the northern Mountains where SMHI warns of the hurricane on Saturday, with winds up to 35 meters per second. In addition, it should be snowing. “

“Even in the south of Lapland is expected to gusts, as well as in Norrbotten and Västerbotten inland.”

“On Saturday night to the winds subside.”