She described it as a shark nipped her in the leg. I was witness to very dramatic episodes. The seizures came after each daily, and she was a patient I had to help 24 hours a day, every day.

It says the defendant doctor in the 60-years in the Borgarting court of appeal. Today he captured vitneboksen to releasing their free to the explanation in the case where he is charged with negligent killing of his girlfriend, Anne Linell Sundt.

39-year-old died in December 2014. Legesamboeren was in march last year convicted of having taken the life of her with an overdose of strong pain medications. The ruling was appealed immediately.

When he Tuesday, was asked whether he acknowledged the straffskyld, he replied cash no.

– If it is wrong of me as a doctor to try to save my girlfriend, so I take the penalty for the stronger medicine

From the vitneboksen tells the doctor how he tried a number of different types of medications and physical treatments to relieve samboerens smerteanfall, but none of them helped. He started to put local anaesthetics injections, but by the powerful smerteanfall helped also not there.

I chose to start to treat her with the short-acting morfinpreparater, the doctor says, and adds:

We’re talking about pain that is so evil that she slithers on the floor. She screams and tries to stab themselves with items in order to dull the pain. To have this person in the living room, along with themselves, so one can not let be, to provide the help one can. It would have been a violation of the ethical rules.

Will play the video of smerteanfall in court

When Sundt was obdusert shown that the cause of death was an overdose of strong painkillers. In the body, it was found the remains of eleven drugs, including morphine, petidin, and fentanyl.

over The last few days

the Doctor tells now about the last few days Sundt was alive. 39-year-old should have been in better shape than in a long time, and he felt it went the right way. Last day Sundt lived, she was to the treatment at a clinic on the day. The defendant describes the shape her as nice, with the exception of the easier pain.

We had a very pleasant, ate dinner and drank wine. Later we saw in the crimea on the TV together. We also talked about what we should do in the christmas holidays, ” says the defendant.

SMS to her hours before she died: We shall have a pleasant day tomorrow.

According to the doctor he went gradually to sleep. When he got up the next day and went down in the living room, he found 39-year-old foroverbøyd on the floor. She was dead.

I knew that she was completely cold and stiff. I bumped her in the back and cried and screamed. It was probably nothing like the memory of a professional doctor there and then, ” says the 60-year-old.

He describes his own condition at the time of the shock. His first thought should have been that the samboerens body had failed or that she had taken too much drugs.

Discs that I found in the house would indicate that she had taken his own life, but I felt nothing in the days before had shown signs of it. It was completely unlikely for me. The only thing Anne wanted was to be healthy and have a normal life, ” says the doctor.

the Police’s big mystery: Now anne’s avskjedslapp turn out to be something completely different Went from job to inject the

The defendant says that he several times left his own clinic because her partner asked him to come home and inject pain killers in her. SMS after SMS was ticking, telling you to take medications home. But it should never have been written or said anything about that 39-year-old self was going to put the injections.

I have many times asked me the question which Anne had medications that were found in the blood from her. I have never made such vials be in the house. They have been safely nedlåst or locked up, but she may have taken the key to legekofferten my or gotten it from other, ” says 60-year-old, who also tells us about the relationship to the deceased.

I felt like the world’s luckiest, which was, together with Anne, this wise, beautiful, and 17 years younger woman. I would do anything for her, and the sorrow after having lost her has been abysmal, ” says the defendant.

– He has had his life ravaged Arguing about medisinbruk

the Doctor says that samboerskapet was good, but with its up and downs. What he describes as the restrictive attitudes of Sundts medisinbruk, was a recurring theme.

We were arguing about this. She wanted more, but I would not give it to her. Tolerance was also a theme. She required greater and greater doses to achieve pain relief, ” says the doctor.

Although he believes that Sundt was addicted to painkillers for several years before the two were together. Smertetilstanden her was, according to the doctor more moderate at this time. Therefore, the medicines of the milder types than what he eventually gave her.

She managed not to stand for a long period of time, she managed not to sit. She had to lie down on the floor in the store when we were buying clothes for the children, because she was unable to stand because of the pain, says the doctor, who emphasizes that the doses he gave her was never what he describes as extreme.

Anne (39) sent message after message to the accused legesamboer: “Take with bero”