In the middle of december 2017 made the police a search warrant in an apartment in Södertälje. In a wardrobe they found two automatic weapons, magazines and ammunition. Even a balaclava were seized.

The 20-year-old who had access to the apartment was previously known by the police and he was described by police as an individual who ”is part of a criminal environment”.

for roughly vapenbrott. He confessed that he had kept the weapons against the payment, but claimed that he was convinced that it was about the replicas, that is to say, dummies.

After the trial was 20-year-old, however, on the loose, so when the verdict fell on 16 april, the police officers who investigated the crime not particularly surprised to find that the 20-year-old was acquitted.

the police officers angry when they read the verdict:

” Between the lines, it is obvious that they want to absolve him. Right hooks up on details that are irrelevant, ” said Jonas Lindberg, the team leader of the Serious Crime Stockholm syd, who works in the police special bet Max, against serious crime to the DN then.

Manne Jönsson, the former head of the serious crimes Stockholm South, backed up his manager and said that just Södertälje district court judge cases differently than other district courts.

– We feel surprise and a frustation over that it seems to be judged differently in different courts in Stockholm, he said in the past.

by Daniel Samnerud rådmannen at the Södertälje district court – with respect to both the honduran and the more sweeping claim that just Södertälje district court would rule otherwise.

the District court’s general manager, a chief Eva-Lena Norgren, angered by polisernas statements.

the Police allegations are extremely serious since the questions relating to the credibility of the judicial business, and also means a risk to public confidence in the court is disturbed. When you are front views of the dignity required that you specify what you mean, and not only comes with sweeping views, said Eva-Lena Norgren.

said its in the case. The man who was acquitted in Södertälje district court sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and three months. Unlike the district court, considers the court of appeal that there is nothing in the investigation that points to someone other than just them man deposited the weapons there. According to the court of appeal, it may not have ”escaped” the 20-year-old that it was a matter of real weapons.

According to the court of appeal, it is grossly vapenbrott because, in the case of particularly dangerous weapons – a Kalashnikov and a Scorpio, both automatic weapons. ”Any sanction other than imprisonment is excluded,” writes right on in his judgment.

not unanimous. There was no forensic evidence that ties the 20-year-old to the guns, only 20-see her bold fashion own recognition. A alone recognition could not be the basis for a judgment, the note of a addition, and a appeal that continue to wanted to free the man.

The 20-year-old had access to the apartment will provide some support to the recognition, but it is not possible to exclude the possibility that the 20-year-old took up the crime to protect his brother, which previously had been suspected in the case, explains the differences on.

the DN looking for 20-see her bold fashion lawyer Peter Nilsson for a comment. According to the Svea court of appeal has a 20-year-old declared acceptance by the court of appeal’s judgment therefore became final.