The year 2019 will be remembered at least in artificial intelligence assistants, äärisääilmiöistä and brexit, say experts.Donald Trump, Facebook, and climate change provoke a discussion in 2019, say the experts. JIM LO SCALZO / EPA/ Aloisio Mauricio / ZUMA WIRE / Michael Greenfeld. / Alamy / AOP

the zither, the future expert Mikko Dufva by next year the problem is no longer defined, but they are trying to solve.

Dufva told that the trend in the reviews highlighted the abnormal things changed to normal. Things, which not many people even a few years ago could not have imagined, such as, say, brexit, äärisääilmiöt, genetic modification and artificial intelligence assistant will come more and more into the commonplace.

at the Same time awareness of the big challenges, such as climate change and data related to the use of things is increased and attention is focused more on solutions: what each of us can do, in order to achieve a more fair future?

Dufva review for a living, inter alia, the future course of development, the tensions and the future related images.

according to Him, in one year a lot can happen. Nevertheless, forecasts should always look one year further, and on the other hand, also in the past.

– Try to see things as part of a broader continuum, i.e. the year 2019 events, things may have started already in previous years and will also receive new forms in the future.

Imagine desirable futures

What year 2019 is then expected? Should people be prepared for something?

Dufva according to the best way to prepare for the future is to imagine desirable futures. He recommends to discuss them and to do the work in front of them.

– It can mean in practice, for example, a lifestyle change and this election year, also to vote.

the parliamentary elections of ads in Joensuu 2015. The year 2019 will be held again in the parliamentary elections. Ismo Pekkarinen, AOP

Dufva according to next year working life transition continues. Working methods and content are becoming more diverse. Transition takes place continuously at different speeds in different areas.

I Hope that the present disputes, and a discussion of longer-term measures. The government of the future report provide a good basis for this.

Top 5 speech topics

we Asked Dufvalle also, what five things rose to discuss the topics in 2019.

the first thing he mentions climate change. Next year will be discussed, in particular, how to ensure a fair transition, so to speak, trace fossil at the time both in Finland and elsewhere in the world. Important issues there are several.

How to reform the energy system, moving to a circular economy will be the climate emissions down quickly and carbon sinks is added so that the moving one does not get lost in the shuffle?

solutions have Dufva according to abundance.

They just need to be introduced.

Another first year to talk about the topic is dufva according to the data of fair use.

– People trust Facebook and similar companies will fall even more. Data ownership in addition, attention is also algorithmic, i.e., how data is used and what decisions it made based on.

the Third point is the EU’s future and role. The EU year is dufva according to the coming challenge. In 2019 the future of the EU and the role of some debate on world politics, but also in Finland. Third, through the EU presidency started on 1. July 2019.

– the EU can at best play a significant role in a globally just climate action and data fair use terms, Dufva said.

on the Fourth point Dufva mentions of the election, which is marked by the year 2019, both domestically and abroad. Finland held parliamentary elections in addition to elections to the european parliament and possibly also the provincial election.

– in addition to Finland, also including India, Indonesia and Nigeria are facing an election year. These countries are home to one-third of the earth’s population, that democracy is internationally discussions. The Finnish elections, I hope that the debate is directed boldly to the desirable future, the performances of the various threat scenarios-painting instead.

on the Fifth Dufva raise issues, which are discussed every year. These include, inter alia, juhannussää, how winter surprise motorists and what kind of suit in the independence day celebration was.

– in the Future, there is always something familiar.

foreign policy institute program director Mika Aaltola, according to Donald Trump, the stakes are presidential election hard. Mauri Ratilainen / AOPBrexit cause problems

the Finnish foreign policy institute program director, Mika Aaltola according to the year 2019 in Europe is a major problem for brexit and the new balance of relationship with a nativ of your modern trend.

Europe is also very exposed to external crises in its neighbourhood. Internal unrest will also increase terrorism probability.

the Uk will leave the EU officially 29. march 2019. Dinendra Haria

china and the United states between the rasp also reflected in the rest of the world. At the same time when China applied to join its Us looking subject in its own the behavior of the trade war under pressure.

– world trade problems spread easily in the general as the economy gnaw into negative expected value.

Aaltola believes that the united states, China, Russia and the EU are moving away from each other in the coming year. The expected competition between the Us and Europe in trade policy. The geopolitical struggle of the United states and China again accelerated.

– the united states and China mobilise its resources to this struggle, which might be many losers.

Trump wants to win

in the united states since 2019 is coming Aaltola, eventful already, therefore, that in 2020 the presidential elections are at the door.

Aaltola believes that the Trump way to attempt to preserve the presidency by seeking support from the only lojaaleilta core supporters to polarize the united states even further.

– the Front is a government shutdown, and on the other hand, the prosecutor’s investigations Trump around tiivistynevät. Trump seeks to win elections at any price, because it gives him immunity to possible criminal charges. The probability of trying to set her deposition for the procedure is growing in congress.

Donald Trump does cause also discuss for next year. Alex Edelman / ZUMA WIRE

If Trump lost the election, he might get arrested the new president swore in their oaths. As a whole things are Aaltola view, quite exceptional.

Aaltola, interesting is also the fact, how much Trump rely on themselves and take possession of, for example, Us foreign and security policy in 2019. Also managing appointments are the key.

– the White house is no longer the adults left.